I dont have enough Dadneil

602 28 18

       An: this one shot is if Daniel liked makeup, he's a bottom and all that. But David is still shorter and curvier because I love my boys that way. Also Daniel can do bomb eyeliner let me tell you. Also Daniel was born into the cult but never enjoyed any of the practices, and fled as soon as he could.

       Daniel was always ridiculed for his love of makeup, the way he put on pastel lipsticks and eyeliners. And when he put on sharp wings, with light purple eyeshadow. His favorite look was with blood red lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara.

     Max always loved makeup, he watched people on tv do it, while his mom wasn't watching him. And he saw his mom put on makeup daily. The way the red of the lipstick would just slide on with no difficulties, and the way the eye liner looked when applied just right. He never pursued these fantasies, because he knew his parents would beat him for being a sissy lala.

       So the day David saw his camper taking an interest in makeup, he went to talk to the blue wearing boy in private.

      "Max. You like makeup?" Max looked wide eyes, like he was scared, he held his hands up, as if to shield himself from harm.
      "Well I have some around here. Lemme look." David went around searching through his drawers. He found an unused lipstick, fairly new mascara, and some eyeliner. He went up to the little blue wearing boy and held out the items.
     "You can do your makeup in the bathroom, alright, but I'll need those back."
      "Why?" Max asked quietly.
     "Why what?"
     "Why are you being so calm about me liking makeup, why do you need these back, why-"
     "Max, I know a guy who likes makeup, and he's very good at applying it, and I need them back because that guy left those here a little bit ago." Max just nodded at went to the bathroom.

       The boy looked in the mirror as he carefully applied the red to his lip. He smiled at the application of the red against his lips. It wasn't as perfect as his moms lipstick, but he loved it anyway. He put the eyeliner on, and it wasn't perfect, but he was happy with it. The mascara was smooth with no chunks and when he finished up, he looked in the mirror one last time. His face was complemented, he loved it. He opened the bathroom door and saw David waiting patiently on the bed.

     His face lit up and he gave applause.
    "You look great Max!" Max smiled at the complements, and the father son duo walked outside. Max felt confided with his skills, and walked with a little pep in his step. The campers looked at him weirdly, but Nerris was the first to smile and ask, "cool makeup, did you do it yourself?"
     Max was happy through the camp because everyone accepted his makeup wearing tendencies. David even bought him his own makeup products. Different eyeshadow pallets, with all sorts of blues, reds, whites, blacks, purples, and greens. He wore a different shade everyday of the summer, and David bought him different colors of lipstick to match the eyeshadow. Then when the threat of summer ending was looming, Max began to be scared.
     What if his parents found the makeup, what if he had stray eyeliner on his face when they arrived, what I'd David told them he liked makeup, what if, what if, what if.

      The day all the parents arrived, Max had not worn even a lip gloss. He had wiped his face clean and wore the most rundown clothes. Nobody knew why, until his parents showed up. They saw his parents a mile away in a crappy old car, they yelled for Max to get 'his little ass in the damn car!"

     David did not let him go. David glared at the parents, and they came out of their car. They were spitting curses, and walking angrily over to David.
    "Give us our son you ginger haired twink." Max's father growled, David held the now shaking boy behind him.
    "You have to come inside the mess hall like the other parents, sign him out, and hear the end speech. It's protocol."
    They walked angrily into the mess hall. They sat down, but Max sat nowhere near them. For fear of being slapped. He was in his tent hiding all his makeup stuff Under his piles of hoodies. He shook quietly, fear coursed through him. When he went to the mess hall, the parents all sat neatly with their kids.

    "Thank you guys for choosing Camp Campbell. It has been a pleasure to have your kids over for the summer. They were delightful, if not a bit trying, but over all they were a great bunch. We hope to see them again next summer. Any questions?"

     "Yeah why is a ginger twink like you running a camp?" Came the sneering remark from Max's parents.
     David did not know what a twink was, but he knew that they viewed it as an insult. He'd ask Max later, because he was not letting the boy he thought as a son go home with these creeps.
    At the end of the ceremony, Max's parents confronted him. He said what was on his mind, and he felt pain. He had gotten punched in the face and scratched with fake nails, he felt kicking at his ribs, and punching on his face. He barely managed to get the, off of him. The woman kicked him with her heels, leaving a big gash bruise thing. He bucked up and faced it, and he told them they were not leaving with Max.  The beating continued, but he still held tight. Finally the police came, and got rid of them. Max would be out in an adoption center for the time being, until David could adopt him.
     Max went into the orphanage, with his bag held tightly to him. The kid looked at him strangely, an pad he was out in a room with another boy.
    "So blue boy. What happened to you?"
    "Nothing, my parents are arrested, and my dad will come and get me soon."
    "Oh your dad is coming, is that why you haven't unpacked?"
     "Yes, he will be here in a week."
     The boy made a face, "don't get your hopes up, because I was told the same thing. But here I am seven years later."

    Max waited and heard that matron say, "get in here, a patron is coming soon, he's adopting someone for sure."

    Max waited and saw David, he was wearing a green tank top and black skinny jeans. He had a slight smile, until he saw Max.

    Max was picked and he grabbed his unpacked bag. And walked out with his dad.

   When Max got to his new home, he saw a man dressed in a light blue tank top and white skinny jeans walk out. He wore makeup. Max's eyes lit up, but he made sure not to be too happy. You never know what could happen.

    When max got out of the car, the man with makeup smiled at him.
    "So you're the Max I've heard all about! I'm Daniel." Max smiled. 

   Days later Daniel saw Max finally take his makeup things out. They shared that bond.

  Every morning, David went to the bathroom to see his two favorite people putting on makeup together. He smiled. This was perfect

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