Family Dinner

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An: geeeettt ready for tears? (Also many of the experiences here form this book are my own. Though I don't like girls lmao I really hate when my family gets super religious and judgey-) and it's Christmas dinner.

          David was not excited at all to have Daniel meet his family. The smaller male was wearing only a little bit of lip gloss. On David's request of not wearing makeup, because his family did not know he was gay. This was his first time seeing them in a year or two, and he didn't really want to go into the room with them. Especially not if he had a boyfriend.

David sighed, and wore a green sweater, a red beanie, and black skinny jeans.

      Daniel combed his hair and wore a white tee shirt with purple designs on it, and whitish gray pants. He made sure to look his beat, even with David's request of not wearing makeup. He put in his gauges (tell me he doesn't have these when he isn't a cult leader, tell me).

         He walked with David, and after driving up to the nice house, he noticed one thing. The over abundance of crosses. Daniel hated them, and David was an atheist. Though David and Daniel had to act Christian while there. Daniel knew to not say he was David's boyfriend as soon as he saw the crosses and inspirational bible quotes. They both walked to the door and gave eachother one last hand squeeze, before letting the others hands loose. David knocked on the door.

       "David welcome home!" A cheery woman's voice said after the door was flung open. Daniel couldn't understand how the two people were related. The woman's hair was light brown,  her eyes were brown, and she was almost a thing with how thin she was, but he wasn't one to talk. She was pretty per say, but Daniel didn't see the relation.

     "Hey mom." David said, he didn't sound sad, but Daniel knew him better than anyone and saw the underlying sadness.
     "Who's this David?" David's mom asked pointing to Daniel. He gave a polite smile.
      "Uh. That Daniel, my roommate. I don't have a significant other, so I brought my best friend. I hope that's alright mom?" Daniel knew it pained David to say they weren't together but damn was David a good actor.

His mom just smiled widely, "welcome Daniel!"
They walked into the living room with the rest of the family. Many of the family were arguing about random was things while some guys were grilling and some girls were cooking. The gender roles seemed highly enforced, so Daniel saw why David didn't want him to wear makeup.

Soon the talk veered over to gay people. Most of the family were unabashedly bashing gay people. David sat really uncomfortable, and Daniel sat near him, but not too close. The family would notice something off if they were sitting too close. The two sat quietly while the whole of the family were gossiping, to downright yelling about how the good old days when gay people weren't so common and when Jesus was the most important thing. David sat quietly, and Daniel prayed to Xeemüg that he didn't blurt out that he himself was a homosexual.

David was clenching his hands into fists, and gritting his teeth, even though his face looked neutral.

That's when David Grandmother spoke up, "David? Anything to add to the conversation." The family was then staring straight at David and danvid felt the need to scream, or just yell. He stood in shock.

"No I don't think I do have anything to add." He said, fidgeting with his sweater nervously. David's family just groaned.
"You are no fun~" said many of the kids, who didn't know why they were saying me a things about people who lived the same gender, but did it because their parents did it so it must be fine.
"You never say anything when we talk about it David." One of David's uncles said, narrowing his eyes. The conversation about hating queer people and trans people, then went to racist and sexist remarks. Daniel could not believe his ears.

David, his precious dear beautiful angel, was raised by these creeps?! He sighed and are his food quietly, he smiled at David and quipped the occasional joke, trying to get David's mind off of the bigotry his family was spewing. Underneath the table Daniel quickly squeezed Davids hand and soon retracted it.

Abruptly David's drunk of his mind uncle laughed jovially, "David probably never says anything at dinners with us is because he's queer (also warning I hate the f-a-g word with all of my damn being, if you ever use it around me I'll kill you then myself.)."

A loud thud reverberated through the room. Daniel had dropped his, thankfully empty, cup. It was one of the nice ones the family owned that was solid wood and metal and was heavy. David almost thanked him and Daniel just said a quiet sorry, and picked up the cup. The teasing persisted though. Tears started forming in David eyes. They then fell freely as he glanced around at his family

Soon even the kids were joining in on playful, but hurtful, insults and teasing until David had had enough, he walked out of the room with tears streaming down his face as he cried. Daniel was struck with shock. He never had this happen, even at his house, but Xeemüg aloud all sexualities in his realm, so he knew this was worse.

David walked back in only seconds later, a small smile on his face, and only Daniel knew it was fake. David sat and the teasing stopped. But then David's grandmother spoke up.
"All non straight people are going to hell." Daniel stood up abruptly. David did too, and Daniel began walking out.
One of David cousins asked, "where are you going?"
Daniel almost sneered, "hell apparently."

The room was in shock and Daniel knew he fucked up. The family looked at David in horror,
"You aren't gay are you Davey?"
"No heavens no, I'm pretty sure it's called Pansexuality." He grabbed Daniels hand and the cleared his throat.

"Let me introduce Daniel properly. Family this is Daniel, my roommate, and my boyfriend."

David family was not happy, and they ended the dinner early. They threw David's gifts at him and sneered, "don't ever come back."

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