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I want y'all to know that I don't condone what the fandom has done to Undertale. And the type of stuff put up for kids has disturbed me immensely. Also this will probably be short and shitty. Please forgive me but I left the fandom long ago

David grinned in excitement. He would in the royal guard with Daniel next week if he passed his test. And he would be there with all of his friends, so the job was a huge plus. His grin never left his face.

Daniel was excited to see David in the guard with him. He shifted in his armor, waiting for Mr. Campbell to finally give the go for him to get David. He waited in silence as his thoughts run amok in his head. Nothing interesting happened in the castle.

David heard a knock on his door, he knew immediately it was Daniel so they could train. He ripped the door open with a big smile on his face while Max was groaning in the background.

     Daniel just grinned at the taller male exasperatedly. They both walked chatting to the training grounds they had made for themselves. As soon as they got into the territory, the fighting begun.

     Daniel was swift with his crooked spear, and David had used his bone attack. They fight and fought, David was getting magically drained, so he grabbed a bone sword and began fighting back.
      Daniel grinned as his attacks were met with loud clangs and crashes. David was getting so much better than before. He kept fighting before he tripped over a left over bone. Falling rather indelicately onto David. David fell backwards and then they sat in a compromising position. David looked up at the shorter male who was blushing profusely.

    Daniel was so shocked he didn't know what to do but he soon found consciousness and decided to make a move. He leaned down and kissed David. David's eyes widened but he soon kissed back. Then Daniel felt something against his back. A sword.

      David grinned with mischief in his eyes, "I win."
      Daniel stood shocked, but David leaned down slightly and gave him a peck on the cheek.

     "You you again tomorrow Daniel."

Dadvid and Danvid ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now