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      An: reverse camp

     Daniel was sitting with his co-counselor Gwen. It was strange to him, she wanted to hire help? Why would she wan to do that? She didn't like work...

      Daniel was sitting and reading his book, Rot and Ruin. He liked the book so far, his favorite character was Tom Imura. He smiled until he felt the sudden urge to go for a walk. It was strange and sudden, but he decided since the campers were asleep, and he could handle himself out in the woods he would be fine.

     A grin spread across his face as he gazed at the stars through the leaves. A deep breath, and a sigh escaped his red painted lips. Soon he felt that it was getting too late to be out. So he walked the opposite way, but then he never saw the path. He was lost.

      Daniel sat down and almost began to hyperventilate. Looking around he saw nothing but darkness and his flashlight seemed to get dimmer and dimmer. He hated the feeling of uselessness. He sat quietly, having a small panic attack. Then he felt like he was not alone. He looked around and saw a man. He had poofy red hair, and gleaming green eyes. He had a pastel green shirt on with white shorts, and a blue and purple flower crown. But he was off.

     He had a large axe in his hands, and he held it like he knew what he was doing with it. He smelled like peroxide and copper. Daniel stared horrified at the man. Soon the man noticed him.

      "Oh goodness. What are you doing in the woods late at night?" His question was said sweetly but it had an almost predatory underlining.

      "I just took a walk, and I got lost. I work at a summer camp near here?" Daniel said. He tried his best to keep his fear and shakiness out of his voice. The man smiled, he seemed kind. But Daniel was apprehensive. He was terrified, but he didn't know why?

     A cold chill went down his spine. His eyes traveled around a mile a minute.

   "Oh! You mean Camp Campbell? I know the way there. I know these large woods and all its hiding spots. And Camping spots!"

     His tone was seeming like it was meant  to make Daniel reassured, but it only made him even more afraid. The man held out his hand and Daniel took it.

       As they walked Daniel didn't think this was the way to camp. But he could just run, if the man knew these woods better than him he might just find him. And that axe was newly sharpened.

      Soon his eyes wondered and so did his mind. The man was well toned but feminine. He had slight muscles, and his waist had slight abs and then went into very thick hips. He blinked and took his mind away, and slowly as they walked his fear dissipated. The man turned and smiled and told him to wait there.

     He saw the man walk a couple feet away and went up to a huge tree. He swung the axe, and it made more of a dent than Daniel was used to. This man was strong. But soon the tree was cut, and Daniel saw that it was dead.

    The man let the tree fall and they began walking once more. Then he saw his cabin. David dropped him off and told him that he wouldn't mind doing this again and laughed. He walked away, and Daniel went into his room and fell asleep as soon as he changed into his night clothes, and his head hit the pillow.

       One day months later Daniel walked into the woods. He had forgotten all about the strange man somehow. He walked and then he was lost, just as he was months earlier.

     Instead of sitting he walked farther. Just lost in thoughts and he walked until he saw something strange, and horrific. The man he now remembered, was covered in blood his axe sound down and he saw a head roll towards him. The man looked at him, and gave a friendly smile, as if this was a normal thing.

     "Are you lost again? You silly dork. You shouldn't be out this late." He put the axe down and walked towards Daniel. Daniel didn't move and The man took his hand in his own. Daniel didn't react until later into the trip. His senses were regained and he screamed.

    "You-you-you killed someone! In front of me! And you act like nothing happened!?" Tears came to his eyes and the man sighed. A sad look came to his face, the man just gave a small smile, and pulled the shorter man into a hug. The hug was more comforting than Daniel would have thought. Daniel just let himself be hugged, and he didn't even relies how bad this was.

    The man began leading him again back to his camp. At the entrance of the woods, the taller and more feminine man kissed his forehead and pushed him gently out of the forest.

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