Teenage dads?

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           An: read the title, you know what you're getting into

      David and Daniel had been best friend since third grade, they were currently in high school, junior year. David was always the sweeter one. While Daniel had been the one who protected David, almost like a couple. There were speculations going around school that they were an item, or that they were screwing. Both were most likely valid.

       One day Daniel was sick, and by sick, he meant sick. He had really bad strep and couldn't talk. So David walked the halls, waving at Gwen and her girlfriends. Bonquisha and Jen waved back, then went back to talking to Gwen. David smiled softly, school was almost over, he just had to go home. His apartment was small, but it did the trick. David sighed and began his long walk home, he missed the bus apparently.

       David walk along an alleyway until he felt someone kick him. He fell to the ground, turning and looking up he saw a group of boys from his school. They were grinning devilishly, and their eyes glinted with malice that they intended to put upon him. David eyes widened as he then felt the kicks and punches.

      "Your little boyfriend won't help you now will he? Wimp."

    After a solid few minutes David had managed to run away, he heard the boys follow. Then he ducked under a garbage bin, waiting the boys looked angrily around and walked away. Letting out his breath David heard a small cry. It came from the dumpster. He looked in the dumpster to see a little baby boy. He had cyan eyes and midnight black hair. David picked up the around one year old, and began to walk out of the alleyway. As soon as he got a block down, he sat down.

     A loud gasp woke him up. He looked up wearily to see Jen, Gwen, and Bonquisha there. They were only people he would wave at when he was in school, never a real friendship. Bonquisha was the one who gasped. He tried to crack a small smile, but he felt faint. So the smile looked more like a small twitch. Jen kneeled next to him and felt his head. David, being so out of it, didn't even notice. He just looked up and whispered with a hoarse voice.

      "Make sure Max is ok." They supposed Max was the baby he was holding, so Jen took the bundle up. And Bonquisha picked up David.

     A week later Daniel was back at school and he saw David with the three girlfriends. He walked over, and when David turned around he saw the damage done. Daniel freaked out.

       "David what happened?!" He looked frantically at him. David just gave a small smile and pat the smaller males head.  David just assured Daniel that he was ok. The three girls smiled, and walked away, sensing they needed their privacy.
     "Daniel I have to ask you something." David said looking down at Daniel.
     "Go on dear."
     "I found a baby boy when I was on my way to school. And I. I. I want to keep him. And well. I was. I was. I was hoping you would want to keep him with me?" He asked, as if scared at what Daniel might say.

     "Yes! Of course David! Why wouldn't I?"

      At the end of the day Daniel went home with David, he was already planning on moving with him, and his parents are so happy their son has a life partner. David walked Daniel one of the only two bedrooms in the apartment. David looked and saw a small boy, with black unruly curls and big cyan eyes. He fell in love with the boy immediately, he knew he wanted to have this boy as a son, or a daughter if the baby so wished.

       Daniels parents wants dot see where they were going to live. So Daniel lead them to the house where David was cooking and making sure Max is behaving. Max was playing with some old toy dinosaurs that were David's as a baby. Daniel opened the door and his parents walked in. His mom had brown hair and blues eyes. While his dad had blonde hair and brown eyes. They were his strange parents, they were apart of a cult, but they loved their son with all their heart. So when they saw a quaint little apartment, with a tall feminine teen cooking food, and a little baby on the couch playing with toys, they felt a sense of home.

      They looked around and saw the lack of furniture, and were appalled. They decided to take David shopping for furniture soon. They would take Daniel too, but they wanted to get to know who their son in law would be one day. They saw the way Daniel looked at him and knew.

     Max soon got older and wanted to wear manny different things. He wanted to wear dresses sometimes, sometimes he wanted to wear baby hoodies and jeans. So they never knew how he felt, but baby max wanted to be a boy.

    When max was getting around nine, he saw Daniel applying makeup in the bathroom. Daniel noticing his soon, becomes him over.
    "Want me to do your makeup?" Max nodded softly.

     That became a habit, Daniel would do Max's makeup and hair, while David got him lunch and breakfast. They loved their life and their son.

     Daniel got out of college with a business degree and owns a shop in town, it was a little tea and coffee shop where people could hang out. It was called the Poison Mug. David worked at a tattoo parlor and they both always had time to see eachother and their son.

  It was perfect.

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