"You look famished~"

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An: David is a Cryptid human hybrid somehow and Daniel is a wendigo human hybrid. And David and Daniel haven't met in this oneshot

      David walked into the woods as his form shifter from human to shadowy creature. His fingers elongated into sharp and dangerous claws. His clothes shifted to red and grey pelts. And finally his eyes, his beautiful green eyes went from green to white, with tear like lines going down his face.

       A sigh escaped his now monster like lips. Looking around he felt hungry. Like always when he shifted to this terrible form. Though instead of hating it he just accepted it, and now it seems like he was enjoying being a cryptid, a tale told to children to keep them awake at night, and make them stay where it's safe, and not sneak out. Then a small grin curled on his pitch black face.

      He began walking and looking for the poor soul who has walked into his woods this time around. He ran with his bone dart blower in his hand. As soon as he ran into the trees he fell to what would be his knees. A small puff of cold hair fell upon his back. He rolled around and saw that he was with company. A white pelted wendigo stood above him, almost, smiling. It held out a clawed hand, as if to help him up. He looked at the hand with a quirked eyebrow and suspicion.

      David knew the wendigo was like him, no full wendigo would help anything up. He gave what he wanted to be a smile, but probably looked more like a baring of the sharp teeth in a warning. The smell of blood touched his unseeable nose, and it welcomed him. The wendigo said form transformed into a new human wendigo hybrid. He did the same, and changed into a strange hybrid of cryptid and human. He looked at the form in front of him, and he didn't recognize the man.

     "You look famished~" the man said in an almost seductive purr. David looked up with shining green and white eyes. Finally he took the clawed hand. David smiled at the grinning wendigo and they began to chat.

   They began to somewhat trust eachother, for they were the only ones of their kind.

   Months go by and the two began to get to know eachother. They hunted together and they got rid of the terrible people who wandered into their woods. They smiled at the other freak of nature. And that was how love grew, slowly, but it was there.

     It all started, with "You looked Famished."

Dadvid and Danvid ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now