Trans david?

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An: this probably won't be the best because I don't really care for this headcannon, but it was recommended and I will never let y'all down, or I try not to atleast

      David sighed, his chest felt strange, especially after his top surgery. But he smiled at the scars, they were gone and he had testosterone prescriptions. He was also going to get bottom surgery soon, by soon he knew it was two years, but he still smiled. David sighed and took his testosterone, getting ready for the day. He knew his fellow counselors would be up soon. Gwen didn't know he was trans. And Daniel, he didn't know, and David didn't plan on telling either of them. 
      The day was hot and humid. The air was heavy, and Gwen picked swimming as the activity for the day. David felt free, though. He had top surgery only a week ago and only came back yesterday. He woke up campers, and got hit multiple times, and went to the dinning hall. The food, like always, was not appetizing, but the QM worked hard on it. Then it hit David, no swimming for him. He might had had surgery, but the scars....

       Sighing exasperatedly, he sat in his seat watching campers and his co counselors walk in sluggishly. Daniel  sat next to him. The conversation was a simple, good morning exchange. It wasn't what he was hoping, but he couldn't exactly bring up a topic. He waited and saw max approach him with a sinister little grin. The little devil came up to him and asked a single question.
     "Why were you gone last week?" David sat a little dumbfounded, but just smiled.
      "I had surgery Max."
      "What was it for?"
     "Problems with my heart, and organs." Max just looked disgusted and intuited, but walked away. Then Daniel turned to him.

     "Are you excited for the activity?" Daniel asked, moving his good around his plate.
      "I'm going to pass on swimming." Gwen seemed to hear and came over.
      "You always pass on swimming? Why is that?"
        "No reason, just not my thing." He stood abruptly, as if remembering something, "oh shoot! We need more firewood for the s'mores tonight!" He rushed off.

    Daniel followed. He saw David go to his room and come out with an axe, and go out to the woods. Once they were far enough away from the kids Daniel yelled for David to wait up.
     David looked scared, he then saw that Daniel knew she thing was up.
    "Something wrong, you never pass an activity, especially one the kids like. Why won't you swim?" He asked calmly, his blue eyes soft, and David melted a bit.

     "I can't because.. Ummm,,, trassss..." His words garbled under his breath, and Daniel understood anyway.
    He looked sympathetic, "I'm sorry. Is your binder the problem?"
     "No, my surgery was last week, it was my top surgery, I don't like the scars..." Daniel just smiled, and hugged David. David hugged back.

     The kids were splashing around and noticed David walking to the lake. David never swan so they were curious, maybe he self harmed? They saw two scars, max knew what they were. Top surgery scars. But he didn't mind, his dad splashed around in the lake with the kids, and then sat with Daniel. He could tell one thing.

Daniel had done something, and David loved him for it.

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