"I cant go back."

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An: part two of "I'm just so tired ok?!"

         Gwen watched the camp with tired eyes. Everything was different with David gone. She hadn't gotten calls. The kids were quiet in the worst way. Nobody talked, everything was wrong. The camp was looking more run down everyday. Max didn't talk, until one day he did.

      "Where the hell is David?" He didn't sound mad, nor aggravated, just tired. She sighed, she didn't tell them where he was just yet. She didn't want to tell them that he left because of everyone in camp. And that he works as a stripper. And is dating a reformed cultist who worked as a bartender. That he left them because they never treated him correctly.
Gwen's eyes watered, but she wiped it away. They needed to know anyway, and sooner is better than later.

     "He quit and is now working in town instead." She left the details out and the kids looked unimpressed.
      "That's not the whole truth. Gwen, why did he leave."
     "He hated it here alright?" Gwen almost growled out.

     With David

      David smiled happily while he was dancing on the pole. He watched his boyfriend serve drinks in a cute outfit. His hair was so beautiful, and his eyes were gleaming, and the eyeliner was flawlessly applied. And his lipstick was a matte pastel purple. He smiled, because without Daniel he would not be able to do his makeup as good as he can now. He danced to circus by Brittney Spears, he loved his job.
      He's thoughts never wandered to his camp, but to his and Daniels plans to go out and eat that night and take a camping trip to a nearby lake. He smiled brightly.


          Gwen felt the pressure after telling the kids. Her face drained of color as the kids faces become forlorn. Max's eyes brightened in mischief, then he put his head down in sadness. That night was quiet.


      Max's hands moved around an then he woke up Nikki, who didn't want to go with him. He walked to the town with all his might and found Muffintops. He walked in and saw a familiar face, not one, not three, but two.

     A familiar blond man worked at the counter serving drinks to customers. While a all to familiar red head was wearing a stripper outfit, and flirting with the blonde. He stared with almost disgust, but he walked up to the two who were flirting over the counter. David turned and Max's eyes widened. The mans eyes looked brighter than anything he's seen in his eyes and that says something. He wore the skimpiest outfit Max has ever seen.

       "Max! What are you doing here?!" He looked at the boy. Max almost screamed.


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