Yandere time

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         An: I decided, this is a high school setting. And sorry Gwen lovers. I needed to kill someone, but I'm feeling bad for my son Jasper. Also Gwen is a beautiful relatable character I'm not bashing her I swear.

      Daniel had a crush on his school mate since fourth grade. He really liked the boy. When he was little he would always think of little fantasies where they would be best friends. But after seventh grade it escalated to Daniel wanting kisses, and hugs, adoration from him would make Daniels day. So he had to be the best of the best for David.

      David was at lunch by the fountain talking with his best friend Gwen. She was always gossiping about something or another. Today the topic was one of his classmates.
      "You know that one of the kids from English really likes you right?"
      He spit his drink out, then wiped his mouth, "What?"
      Gwen knew he was never into girls, and would flunk when talking to one. He was more of a girl than a ladies man himself, not that being a girl was bad, (feminist author henlo). Gwen looked at him weirdly and began again.
      "It's a boy from English class, the blond lanky one. With blue eyes?" She asked. She might have heard wrong.
      "That's Daniel. He sits in the back of the class, why would he have a crush on me?" Gwen face palmed.
       "David almost every guy and girl at this school stares at you like some sort of prize. You are very pretty." He blushed at the words. Gwen was half right. Many of the student body wanted him for themselves, he was the nicest, could cook, garden, hike, camp, was pretty smart in school, and not to mention really beautiful. He just blushed on.

    Daniel could see David blushing and he almost had a heart attack. It was so cute that he was going to die. Well someone was, he saw Gwen hugging David after he finished blushing. He wanted David to himself. Not for Gwen, and not for that orange haired bitch by the tree.

   He grinned at his thoughts. He also decided to talk to David today. Today would be the day that he could be friends with him and then, with Gwen out of the way, David would be his.

     "Hi David." He said with a little squeak, Shit. David just smiled.
      "Hello Daniel." That's when they became friends. When Daniel walked home that night he screeched. It was a long and fun conversation, he really liked David.

     That night Gwen 'accidentally' drank rat poison. He laughed evilly. David would probably be a mess tomorrow, but Daniel could console him.

    Daniels right, David came up to him and started crying. He just held the smaller male in his arms, patting his back, and rocking him slowly. He found out the best way to console someone online, just so he knew what to do.
     "What's wrong David?" He asked softly.
      "Gwen, Gwen- died, last nig-night." He said through tears. Daniel just hugged him. Many people in the hallway stood in shock. The freaky bleach blond was consoling the schools love interest. Lots of the people looked jealous. Daniel lead David away.

     Once they were away from others David finally calmed down. His and Daniel sat by eachother. The garden was beautiful.

    Weeks later Daniel made his move on David. David had finally come to terms with Gwen's supposed suicide.

   "David, would you do the honors of dating me?" Daniel asked sheepishly, David smiled brightly and agreed. Daniel smiled, David would never know just how much Daniel loved him. And he would never know how Gwen actually died.

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