Candle Cove

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       An: I missed the angst this is based of that freaky show and one of my favorite Creepypastas. In this oneshot max is only seven, not that old.

      David, Daniel, and Max were a happy family. They had a few bumps and bruises, but otherwise, they were a happy family.

      Until they got a tv. That thing seemed to cause problems. It had old shows that they liked and cute cartoons, yes, but it also had many channels of static nothingness that made David a little weary of the tv at first.

      David was out with Daniel on a date, leaving Max, who was fully capable of staying home, alone. The night went wonderfully. When they got home Max was watching the tv. But the tv was only showing static.

      "Max why are you watching static?" Daniel asked, kneeling next to his son.
     "It's not static. It's Candle Cove." He stated, continuing to watch the static.
      "Max, it's time for bed." David said nervously, he had such a terrible feeling about that tv. That static was too weird and too familiar to not make him nauseous.
      Max struggled, but ultimately, he went to bed.

      The next morning they saw their son watching the tv again, same static channel, channel zero. David was about to get rid of the tv at that point. Daniel was at that point about to pick max up and take him far away from the tv. They both knew this was a bad sign, even though they didn't know how bad of a sign it would be. Later when max had friends over, they all watched the static. Claiming it was a show, called candle cove.

      "What's this show about max?"   David asked nervously
       "It's about a skeleton man David, his name is skin taker, and he owns a pirate ship." Max said smiling, making little hand gestures to show that he liked it.

     David started seeing his son staring at the sharp objects in the house. Everything was then hidden in places Max couldn't see or reach. Then he started looking at David with blank eyes, looking at Daniel with the same cold blanks eyes. That's when David decided that it was enough, the next day the tv was going.

       He woke up. It was dark in his room and he couldn't see very much. Then his eyes adjusted to the dark and he saw his son.
     "Max what's wrong?"  He asked sitting up, max walked closer without a word.

     He waited and his son was right besides the bed, he got out if bed and he kneeled next to his son. Though he noticed his hands behind his back.
     "Max what's behind your back?" That's when it struck. A knife slit his throat and his son was at the bottom of it. He didn't want to hurt his son, and he felt the blade that had ripped his throat open stab him again in the stomach.

    He watched in mute horror as his son did the same to his husband, then himself.

    That was the last thing he saw, until blackness stalled his vision and death stole him away.

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