Oh no- AnGsT

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        An- this is probably not what I usually post, it going to be a angst one, centered around David. Dadvid????? I don't really know at the moment. Hope you enjoy

      David smiled and walked out to his campers. They all were yelling and groaning, but he still smiled.
      David smiled as the kids yelled obscenities at the top of their lungs. Him mildly correcting them with a small, 'Language.'

       David smiled as they began hiking, the children sluggish and lethargic, angrily yelling at him. Telling him to stop being so cheerful. They repeated over and over through out the whole trip through the woods that they, in fact, hated camp. And him...

      David smiled as Gwen threw a highly inappropriate lesbian porn magazine at him as he entered the mess hall. Not even looking at it he handed it back to her.

      David smiled as the kids threw food during lunch and cussed at him relentlessly. They yelled, they fought, they bit, they scratched...

     They hurt.

     David smiled at every terrible insult and threat. Only stopping to say minor things, like correcting their language, and telling them to quit attacking each other.

     "Freaky smiling man child!"

      "Fucking annoying camp man!"

     "Stupid naive bitch!"

     "Because he's David!"

     "Just stop caring already!"

    "Nobody cares David!"

    "Just stop trying!"

    "Nobody gives a shit!"

    "You and this camp have a couple things in common- like being useless and shitty!"

     "Just stop trying David."
     "Nobody cares David!"
      "It's useless David,

    And so are you."

    David smiled through the summer.

     Until he didn't.

     David frowned as he took his anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, And anti-adhd medication.

    David frowned after every insult thrown at him.
     David frowned as tears spilled from his eyes, and his hands shook from the newly approaching panic attack.

    Finally he broke, right in the middle of an activity. He fell to his knees and sobbed. Whimpers of, "I'm sorry,"  "please forgive me," and the worst one, "I'm sorry for being a useless waste of space."

     David frowned as the kids stood in shock, the once happy counselor crumbled, hugging his now slightly chubbier legs. He got into the habit of over eating, so he gained a little weight. He hated himself, and the kids only made it so much worse.

     David frowned as he looked at the rope, it's original purpose was to tie tents down. Now he gave it a different use.

    David smiled

  Until he didn't.


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