BMC, becaus H O O E Y

780 22 16

          An: David is Jeremy, Daniel is the squip. Gwen is Christine, jasper is Michael, max is rich, Neil is Jackie D, everyone else is not really gonna be in this. I made all the love interests counselors and or adults because if it was a camp David was crushing on or something, I'd gouge my own eyes out. Then proceed to eat them.

        David was with Jasper, who was still listening to bob Marley, going to Payless. If he got a squip, maybe Gwen would like him. She was so pretty, and David has had a crush on her since junior high.

     The squip was painful, when it appeared he almost gasped.

     "Hello David, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor, your Squip." The white clad super computer smiled, it's teeth were sharp.
      "Do you have a name, I don't want to have to call you something unless you want me too." The squip looked surprised.
      "I'm bias to the name Daniel." David just smiled. Daniel was the supercomputers new name.

     Soon the computer was seeming to become more human. He whined, laughed, acted like he was apart off real life. David had soon grown attached to the computer dubbed by the name of Daniel. He smiled at the taller.

      After a while Gwen didn't even begin to cross his mind unless Jasper asked how the squip was doing. Daniel smiled at David when he wasn't looking.

     "David, do you wish to reprogram your goals? You don't seem to care for the girl, Gwen was it? Anymore."
       "Well Daniel I don't think I actually liked her that much. She is aesthetically pleasing, but now I understand she's not really my type."
       "Well what is?"
       David shrugged. He walked with the squip behind him. Daniel could hear his thoughts and he began to do something that he detested. Blushing, David was thinking about him. David liked the computer. He blushed like crazy until they got back to David's house. Daniel used his power over David mind and pushed him against a wall.

      "Daniel?!?" Daniel just smiled and kissed David. With no surprise David kissed back. After kissing for an hour. David asked Daniel something,
        "Daniel, is there a way I can actually be with you? Like turn you human or?"
         Daniel looked in thought, "Yes but it's not what you would think ideal. You would have to become a supercomputer with me, and it would be painful."

       David was tired. Jasper began to drift away after they started highschool (I love Jasper and I bash my baby so much please forgive me. I love Jasper and he deserves the best, so does David.) Gwen was nothing but a silly crush, his dad was burdened with him there and he knew it, and he was the loser at school.

      Just like Daniel said, it was painful. But when he looked up he and Daniel were together. They were supercomputers and could go anywhere, computers, phones, apps, games. He smiled and when they kissed this time.

    It felt so much more real.


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