Motherfrickin Flower Scout Leader Daniel bc the fanart is 👌

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         An: my hoe self really likes the fanart of this boy. It's p cute. Also he wears white shorts white shirt and the little sash thing because it's the thing showing that he's a flower scout leader. Also some fan art depicts him in pink skirt and that's nice.

      Daniel sighed. He loved his girls but they caused so much drama and trouble with other camps. He was going to go apologize to the camps across the lake. First he was going to go to the WoodScouts, then the estranged Camp Camp. Walking was hard and after rowed across the water, he walked over to the camp.
      "Um hello?" He was fidgeting, rubbing his now painted nails. The girls did a good job on the ombré pink to purple matte polish. Them three boys that were not as tall as Daniel walked over.
      "Who are you?" The one he presumed to be Pikeman asked.
      "I'm Daniel, a FlowerScouts leader. I came to give an apology about the things my girls have done over the summer," He said standing tall.
      The three looked at him strangely, they didn't know that there was a man in the FlowerScouts.
     "Why don't you ditch the little girls and become a counselor here, where a man should be?" Pikeman asked with his weird lisp.
      "No! I like my job, that is rude for you to even  ask. Forget the apology, have a good day." He walked away. Getting into the boat, he began to paddle to the other camp. Counselors were not found at the WoodScouts, but hopefully they would be found at Camp Campbell. When he got there he went to knock on the mess hall but it was burst open. Daniel was thrown to the ground, as two kids dressed as different magic users began fighting. Getting up from the ground, Daniel dusted himself off. A girl began screaming profanities and running after the two kids, she was a counselor.
       Soon he saw a guy come over to him, "I'm so sorry about that!"
       He looked at the guy and automatically he liked him. It was strange, but he became attached.
      "It's fine, I actually came to apologize for my girls wreaking your camp."
      "Oh, you're a FlowerScouts leader! What's your name?" He held his hand out for a hand shake and Daniel took it.
      "I'm Daniel."

   That was the beginning of a great friendship between the FlowerScouts and Camp Camp.

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