Ch 2 - When You Start To Fall For A Girl

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You wake in the bed from a breeze blowing across you. Since there is no one around talking to you, you look around and notice that you are in a bed that was designed for a girl. It also is dimly lit so you figured that it is most likely night. You climb out of bed and feel a strong breeze hit you. You look towards the door that leads outside to a terrace. You walk towards the door and see a silhouette of a girl standing out on the terrace. When you approach she turns towards you. You notice that it is the white haired girl that you met early but still don't know her name.

"How did you enjoy sleeping in my bed?" She asked.

"I'm sorry if I got your bed dirty. I actually slept peacefully for once." You say while blushing.

You notice she has a tail like a cat and ears like one too. She smiles at you.

"Glad you enjoyed it. Feel welcome to use it anytime. My name is Koneko Toujou. I'm usually not friendly towards new people but I feel something about you is different then others are." Koneko says.

"I'm going to get a shower in and probably go back to sleep. I will just use the couch for the night." You say.

You leave her room and head towards the shower. After the shower you start to head down the hallway towards the lounge area and stop. You hide around the corner and listen because you hear Rias and Koneko talking in a low voice with each other.

"Are you interested in him?" you hear Rias ask.

"There is something about him and I don't know how to explain it. I just have a good feeling about him and it's the first time I felt that way with a guy." you hear Koneko say.

"(F/N). You can come out from hiding. I know you are there." Rias says.

You step out from around the corner and blush from embarrassment from being caught. You see Koneko is blushing because she didn't know there was anyone around.

"How did you know I was there?" You ask.

"I know everything when it comes to this place. No one makes a move without me knowing it." Rias says.

You walk over to them and decide to face the situation head on.

"I hear that you were going to sleep on the couch. Why aren't you going to sleep in the bed?" Rias asked.

"I never slept in a girl's bed before and didn't want to make her have to give up her bed." You say.

"I wasn't going to give my bed up. We were going to share it." Koneko said and blushed.

You just stare in disbelief. You never were close with any girl and never been in a girl's bed let alone their room.

"I must say that even though I'm only two years older then her, she is like my daughter. I will forewarn you though. If she wants something she will get aggressive to get her way. With that in mind, don't make her mad." Rias said while smirking.

You were shocked in what was just said. Koneko grabs your hand and drags you off to her room. You look back at Rias with a look on your face begging for help, but Rias just has that smirk on her face. You felt something for Koneko but didn't know what it was or how to express it. What you didn't know is that you were falling in love for her.

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