Ch 23 - Shopping For The Tux

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Sir Zech had the wedding planned out to happen in one week from the day you proposed. Koneko had left early in the morning to go shopping for a dress that she wants for the wedding. The other girls were also shopping for their dresses. The guys just looked at you and laughed when they heard that it had to be a tuxedo that you had to wear for the wedding. It was the first time that you would wear something besides normal everyday clothes. You felt weird thinking about wearing such a fine outfit. The only other guy that felt uncomfortable was Gasper. He would be wearing pants for the wedding. You left with the guys mid day to go look at the tuxedos that were available. You were just going to pay to rent one but Sir Zechs handed you a credit card and said that you had to buy one to permanently keep because there were going to be other occasions that you needed it for. When you get to the store that Sir Zech recommended, you say that the tuxedos were deck out instead of being just plain ones. You browse for a minute and find one that was to your liking. It had an emblem on it that had a shield with two swords crossing over top of it. It was on the upper left corner of the tuxedo. You thought the symbol was excellent considering that you thought of a career of being in the family's army. You bought and went to catch up with the others. When you find them you notice that they are having a hard time trying to get Gasper to wear pants.

"Hey guys. Chill out. Let me talk to him one on one." you say.

Both Issei and Kiba nod in acknowledgement. They take off to go look for outfits for themselves and left you there with Gasper.

"I know you don't like to wear pants. I do recommend that you go along with it though. Part of being a man is sometimes doing things that you don't like to do. Women have more respect for guys that do things even when they don't want to do the tasks. Someday you will find a girl that likes you but the question is, will you be a man and be willing to do things for her to make her happy?" you tell and ask him.

"I guess I can wear pants just this once since you put it that way." Gasper says while having a smile on his face.

"That's the spirit." you say.

"Just so you know, You make me feel good about myself because you explain things and look out for me like an older brother." Gasper says.

"No thanks is needed. You are family Gasper and I am proud to have you as a brother." you say.

After a while Gasper finds a pair that he likes and you buy them for him. Kiba and Issei finally find you gusy and are carrying their outfits in a bag.

"Shall we go back and wait for the girls?" you ask.

"Hell yeah!" Issei exclaims loudly.

All of you guys head back with your purchases. The only thing you had done different to the suit is having the Gremory household symbol embossed into the outfit right below the shield and swords symbol. After a few minutes all of you guys make it back to the club room. You guys decided to walk and get fresh air since the club room wasn't that far away from the shop. When you guys get back, the place is still empty. Everyone puts their outfit away and sits down in the lounge area to wait. You drift off to sleep while Kiba cleans his blade and buffs, Issei is playing video games and Gasper is watching anime on another tv. As you drift off to sleep you thinking of nothing more then being married to Koneko and having the kid together.

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