Ch 3 - Embarrassment And Emotional Conflict

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It was just you and Koneko in her room. Koneko drags you to the bed and has you lay down.

"Try and get some sleep. I promise not to bite." She said while giggling.

She climbs into bed and falls asleep quickly. You never were when it came to the subject on girls and still felt uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed with one. You were about to roll on your side facing away from her, when she shifts in her sleep. She moves to where she is cuddled up against you. You lay awake for a while because you now feel very uncomfortable. After a while sleep finally gets to you and you succumb to it.

Morning comes around and you hear a knock on the bedroom door. You look down and see Koneko is still asleep cuddled up against you.

"Come in." You say loud enough for whoever is on the other side of the door can her it.

Rias walks in and smirks when she sees Koneko laying against you.

"Well, well. Looks like Koneko finally found someone for herself that she likes." Rias says.

You blush because you are embarrassed that not only were you in bed with a girl, but was with one that liked you.

"Koneko! It's time to get up!" Rias said loudly.

Koneko wakes up and looks at you smiling. She snuggles against you trying to get even closer. You try and get away.

"You have to give me time to think Koneko. I'm confused right now on everything. I just don't know on what my feelings are about all this." You say.

Koneko shrinks back and starts to cry. She curls up in a ball. Rias flinched when you said those words. You grab a hold of Koneko and hold her in your arms. Seeing her cry starts to tear you apart. You don't realize that you fell in love with her but it caused you so much pain from seeing her cry. You slowly release Koneko when she stops crying. You get up and walk out the room with your head hung low. You were a wreck because of your conflicting emotions over everything.

With everyone up and ready, you all head to class. Your first class was math and you had another ORC member in your class. She introduced herself as Akeno. She seemed liked her personality was playful. While in class you couldn't pay attention to anything. The only thing you thought about was how being near anyone just brought them pain. When the bell rang for the end of class, you had made up your mind on what you were going to school. You left the class before Akeno could pull you into a conversation. You ran until you were far gone from the school, leaving everything of yours behind.


Kiba looked around wondering where you were. You were in his history class. Kiba sensed something was wrong. He raised his hand to get the attention of his teacher.

"Yes Kiba?" the teacher asked.

"I need to speak with my club president right now. It's very important. It deals with a fellow student that is in the club." Kiba said.

"Very well. You may go, but please come back at the end of the day to get your assignments." the teacher said.

Kiba left and went to Rias' class and knocked. The teacher came to the door.

"Can I help you Kiba?" the teacher asked.

"Can I please speak with Rias? It's important. It deals with a member in our club." Kiba asked.

"Yes of course. Rias Gremory please see to your club affairs." the teacher said calling Rias.

Rias steps out of the classroom tapping her foot as to say there better be a good reason for this.

"(F/N) is missing!" Kiba exclaimed.

"Shit! Call everyone up and have them meet in the ORC room." Rias said.

With that it took about ten minutes until all were standing in the ORC wondering what was going on.

Koneko X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now