Ch 1 - The Tragic Beginning

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You wake up to screaming coming from inside the house. All of a sudden the door to your room bursts open and your dad comes running in.

"Quick son. Hold on to this blade and hide under your bed and be quiet no matter what happens." Your father says.

You grab the sword and climb under the bed while covering your ears. Just then your father's body hits the floor and blood starts spilling everywhere. You close your eyes and try to block out the noise. Your father's blood touches you and you faint. When you wake up, you notice that you are in a bed that isn't your own. You go to move and feel something laying on top of you. When you look down, you see a girl with bright red hair. You start to freak out when she starts to move. She looks up at you and you try to push yourself away and hit a wall.

"Good morning (F/N)." The red headed girl says.

"What's g-g-going on and h-h-how do you k-k-know my name?" you ask while stammering.

"Your family was attacked by fallen angels and we saved you." the red headed said.

"Where am I?" you ask starting to gain more confidence in talking.

"You are at the Occult Research Classroom at the school. My name is Rias Gremory. Oh we are devils here so please don't freak out. You are still human. I will give you the option of becoming a devil on your own." Rias said.

Just then, a girl with white hair and cat-like ears came into the room. She was eating a chocolate bar. She looked over at you and smiled. When she smiled at you, you felt like you were going to melt right on the spot. You blushed.

"Well I let you have today off from school but I have enrolled you in classes with other members from the ORC. There are eight of us that make up the club. Take your time and spend sometime in the ORC. There is a shower if you wish to take a shower. I did grab all your things. They are in the main room so feel free to explore." Rias said.

Rias and the white haired girl left leaving you by yourself. You were mentally drained to where you just laid back down and fell asleep again.

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