Ch 25 - Your Gear Evolves

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You are able to jump and deflect an arrow of light right before it would hit Koneko. As a result a second arrow of light hits you in your chest causing blood to splatter everywhere. You fall to the ground. Asia couldn't make it over to you in time and you thought you were going to die. Koneko was crying thinking that you were going to die when your wound started to heal itself. You gear started glowing and a shield appeared in your other hand. The shield had the emblem of the House of Gremory on it. It stopped Kokabiel in his tracks as he saw your gear evolve. Rias took advantage and struck Kokabiel with a ball of energy hitting from the back where his heart would be at injuring him to where he crumpled to the ground and couldn't get back up. Sir Zechs appeared just in time to where he saw your gear evolve and saw Rias bring Kokabiel down. Azazel showed up a little later and escorted Kokabiel away.

"What the hell just happened with his gear?" Rias said.

"It appears his gear can heal major wounds. Doesn't mean he can't die though. Just be careful (F/N). We don't know how much that gear can heal though for damage." Sir Zechs says before taking off.

Koneko grabs you into a hug and cries into your chest.

"I thought I lost you. You idiot. Don't you dare scare me like that again." Koneko yells at you.

You wrap your arms around her. You look over at Rias and she nods her head at you. You all teleport back to the ORC. You lift Koneko up and take her to your guys' room. You walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on and set her on the ground.

----Lemon warning---- scroll to next bold text to skip

You take her shirt off and then yours. She is till in a messed up state. You slowly take her clothes off and then yours. You lift her up just enough to stand her in the shower and then climb in with her. She starts to come back to her senses and starts rubbing her hands on your chest lightly pulling the hair on your chest. You start playing with her ears and she starts purring while letting out moaning noises. Your dick slowly starts to get erect. She reaches down and starts p-laying with it in her hand. After a few seconds of her playing with your dick you get rock hard. You pick her up and brace her up against the wall just high enough to slide your dick into her making her moan even louder. You start to thrust inside her. She wraps her arms around your neck as you start to thrust harder and faster in her. All of a sudden she orgasm with her pussy lips clamping down on your dick making you come inside her. You stay like that for a few minutes before pulling apart and cleaning off.

----End of Lemon----

You both get out and get dressed. You pick her up after you are both dressed and take her to the bed while laying her down gently. You lay down next to Her and cuddle. You both fall asleep not realizing how tired you both were.

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