Ch 12 - An Enemy And Family

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You wake up all of a sudden. You look over and see Koneko still asleep but you sense a threat. You get up and put on a wardrobe. The threat feels like it's coming from the lounge. You walk out into the lounge and see Koneko's older sister Kuroka sitting there. You summon Dark Excalibur and go on the attack. She turns in your direction. Right before you attack you hear Rias yell "Stop (F/N)." You were still going with the attack when Rias yelled and manage to stop less then an inch from decapitating Kuroka. Kuroka looks directly at you with fear in her eyes. You step back and lower your blade but keep your guard up. You were about to charge again from the rage knowing this woman had something to do with the death of your parents when Koneko appears in front of you to block your path.

"You must listen to Rias (F/N). Don't forget she is your master." Koneko says.

You step back towards the bedroom and put your blade away.

"I'm sorry. Give me time to think. I can't stand being in the same room as her knowing she had something to do with the death of my parents." You say.

"Wait!" Kuroka yells.

You stop moving and stare at her with pure hate in your eyes.

"I know you hate and will give you permission to kill me after you hear what I have to say. That is if you still want to kill me." Kuroka says.

"I will grant you permission to talk to me but know this. As soon as you have had your say, leave and don't come back. This is as much mercy that you will get from, and know that I am granting you mercy because you are Koneko's sister." you say.

"Very well. I have come to warn you that Vali the white dragon is wanting to kill you to take your blade from you. He is powerful and is the rival of Issei if that tells you how strong he is. I will be on my way now and promise to never bother you or my sister again." Kuroka says.

She gets up and starts to head to the door when you say "Wait". She turns towards you.

"I will honor my word." Kuroka says.

"Stop. It's not that. I want to know why you are helping me?" you ask.

"Vali has done some evil things to me. Things that are too disgusting to talk about. It made me wake up and realize that if I ever want a chance to be around my sister and have her respect again that I must change." Kuroka says.

"If that is true, then you would be willing to stand and let me give you a hug as relatives would do. Do you accept?" you ask.

"Yes. Even if you get close enough to kill me I won't run. I have done something cruel to you and am willing to accept any punishment that you seem fit." She says.

You walk up to her slowly and she just stands still. She still has a look of fear in her eyes. When you get close enough, you hug her surprising everyone that has now showed up to see the commotion. Once you have her in a hug, she starts crying into your shoulder.

"Shhh. It's alright. I forgive you. Please learn that people can change and there are people that will forgive." you say.

You lift her up in your arms and carry her into your and Koneko's bedroom. You set her down on the bed while sitting next to her and let her cry herself out. Koneko comes in to make sure nothing funny will happen. You nod your head at Koneko while a tear streams down your face. You hope that you are starting to overcome your past. Now you just need to prepare yourself against Vali.

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