Ch 9 - In Trouble and Emotional Conflict

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When you wake up, you feel disoriented. You go to try and sit up but feel something holding you down. You look down and see straps holding you down. You try to remember what happened and realized that the last thing you did was to try and kill yourself. The emotions hit you again but this time they are different. You feel guilt and sadness because of what you did to everyone. The rage builds inside you from the anger that you have developed from your actions. You cry out from the rage. The door bursts open and the two that were in the room already wake up. Everyone sees that you are lashing out at yourself. Koneko walks up to you and smacks you really hard. You snap out of the rage and see her face. She has tears streaming down her face and a look of hurt. You hang your head down from shame.

"How are you feeling (F/N)?" Rias asks.

You remain silent and hanging your head down. You are too ashamed to speak. Koneko just stares at you.

"Koneko, do something before we lose him for good since he won't talk to anyone. Figure something out." Rias says.

Everyone walks out, leaving just you and Koneko alone in the room. Koneko walks up to and turns your head to face her. When she lets go, you just turn your head away from her again. You are too afraid to look at her.

"Since you won't look at me, at least tell me why. I still love you and want to help you." Koneko says.

"If you must know, I just couldn't think about the pain I cause everyone that gets close to me. I don't know how to deal with it. I was going to try and end it all hoping that eventually everyone would move on with their lives and forget about me." you say.

Koneko crawls on top of you and removes the straps. As soon as the straps are removed, she grabs you and pulls you into her chest and just holds you. You start to cry from the sadness released from the pain. Koneko eventually makes you lie back down.

"Go to sleep and relax. We will always be here for you. We are a family. I will always be here for you." Koneko says.

You close your eyes and pass out again from exhaustion. Once you are asleep, Koneko lays down on your side and falls asleep with her arm across you so she will know when you wake up again. As Koneko falls asleep, she smiles knowing that you will live and that she will be with you even longer.

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