Ch 5 - Christmas For The ORC

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Everyone decides to pack it in for the night. Christmas is the next day. You tell Koneko to head to bed.

"I have to go do something but I promise to be back in about two hours." You say.

"You better be back in two hours. Don't make me come looking for you." Koneko says.

You kiss her and head out the door. The first store you go to is jewelry store. You walk in and go to the counter hoping you get what you want done. An old main approaches you at the counter.

"Anything I can do for you?" asks the old man.

"Yes. I was wondering if I can get a necklace made out of 14-Karat gold with the words 'my neko' on it and have it ready in an hour?" You ask.

"I can have it done quicker then that. I will have it ready for you when you get back." The old man says.

You nod a thank you and head out to a lingerie shop. You walk in a get a pair of silk panties and bra for Akeno. You know what she likes just because of the way she acts. You then got to another store and buy Asia a pan made out of titanium steel. Perfect for her because she is always cooking and hitting Issei with it. For Xenovia you buy her a new suit to wear for her fighting outfit. For Rias you buy her a new laptop to keep her stuff on so everything isn't scattered everywhere for paperwork. Not but least you get Kiba a new set of gloves that will help him have a better grip on his sword. After getting everyones gift, you head back to the jeweler and pick up Koneko's necklace. You had every place gift wrap the packages with everyone's name on it. When you get home, you quietly  set all the presents under the tree with the other packages tht were already there. Once done you head into Koneko's bedroom. What you didn't expect to see was that Koneko was in a see through gown. You blushed as she approached you and wrapped around you. You pick her up and carry her to the bed.

"We aren't going to do what I think you have planned, are we?" you asked.

"No. I know that you never had experience with girls and I will wait until you get more comfortable. Please hold me though." She says.

You climb in the bed with her and hold her as she cuddles up against you. You both fall asleep.

---next day---

You wake up to Koneko not sleeping next to you but sleeping on top of you. You hug her and kiss her forehead. Just when you were about o flirt with her Rias comes in.

"Morning you two. There are more presents under tree then when we went to bed. Hmm." Rias says and then walks out.

Koneko grabs your hand and pulls you out into the main room. Akeno giggles when she sees you both because Koneko is still in her see through gown. You blush when everyone sees both of you. Everyone opens their presents and are really happy with what they got from everyone. Koneko was curious in why she didn't get one from.

"Turn around and close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to." You say.

Koneko turns around and you pull out the box containing the necklace. You show the necklace to everyone but Koneko. They all gasp. You reach around and put the necklace on her.

"You can open your eyes now." You say.

Koneko opens her eyes and looks down. She squeals extremely loud from excitement. Before you could react, she turns around and pounces on you. She kisses you deeply. Everyone cheers and laughs. For the rest of the day, the group parties until it gets really late.  When everyone is tired, they start falling asleep. Issei is covered by Rias, Xenovia, Akeno and Asia. Kiba is passed out on the chair. You are in a laid back position on the couch and Koneko is curled up with you with her head in your lap. You couldn't hope for more. You slowly drift off to sleep about marrying Koneko some day.

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