Ch 26 - The Day Before The Wedding

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---Your point of view of the day---

The day before the wedding had arrived. You and Koneko are both woken up by Rias coming in. She took Koneko with her leaving you by yourself until the wedding happens. The wedding was going to be a traditional one which meant from the morning of the day before the wedding until the time of the wedding you two wouldn't see each other. You had all day to prepare. Sir Zechs showed up around midday to help get you ready for the wedding the next day. He had a team of people with him. Unfortunately the whole crew was female. You had to strip down to your undershorts so they could get perfect measurements. You tried not to blush from all the women touching your body to get precise measurements. It made you feel uncomfortable having other women then Koneko touching you. You kept looking at the picture by your bed on the nightstand of you and Koneko having fun. It helped to steel your mind against any impure thoughts. After the fitting, Sir Zechs took you to a place to teach you the proper etiquette for the ceremony. You practiced on your posture and how to walk down the aisle. You had mock demonstrations for the setup to where the grooms would be standing and where you were to walk. Of course the person to give Koneko's hand to you would be Sir Zechs since he was like a father figure to her. After your outfit was made, the girls made final measurement checks and adjusted things as they were needed. Your outfit was the tuxedo with adjustments made for your waist and links around the bottoms of the legs. You cuff links were made out of silver and was encrusted with diamonds. The cuffs were so well made and the diamonds were cut so well that you would say each cufflink probably would cost around three-thousand dollars each. After a long day it was time to head for bed.

---Koneko's view of the day---

Koneko was intrigued when Rias came in early and took her away for the traditional setting of the wedding. Rias teleported her to the Gremory Household castle for the day. As soon as they got there, Koneko was surrounded by a bunch of female to help with the final fitting of her dress. They had to take a little in around the waist. The veil was shown to Koneko and they adjusted the trim on the veil so it was perfect for Koneko's height. Koneko was embarrassed a little when Millicas came in while she was in just her under garments and said that she looked pretty. Rias picked Millicas up in her arms when Koneko told her to wait. Koneko bent down and kissed Millicas on the head and told that someday he will be lucky and get a nice girl that he will love. Koneko told Rias to let him stay because he could give opinions on things. Rias set Millicas down and he sat down in the chair and gave advice when he thought it was needed. Once the final measurement and adjustments were made, they went and practiced the etiquette needed for the wedding. It was cute watching Millicas step in for Sir Zechs since he was busy helping you. After a very long day of practicing etiquette and getting fitted, Rias had a room setup for Koneko to sleep in.

---Ending of the day---

It was finally over with for both of you. Now it was time to get some sleep. Both of you couldn't wait until tomorrow for the day that you became husband and wife. You both didn't know that there was going to be special people and who was the person to conduct the wedding was. It will be a surprise though to see how it goes and hopefully nobody steps out of space.

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