Ch 15 - Training With Vanishing Dragon

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You wake up in the morning dreading the training session. Koneko was worried about you because you looked a little pale. You summon up what little courage you have and decide to face the music. You step out into the training yard and Vali is already there waiting.

"Azazel? Do you mind giving him the booster sphere? He will need it to help him." Vali asks.

Azazel hands you a small dark sphere. As soon as you touch it, you feel a surge of power course through you. You summon Dark Excalibur to your hand and a shield appears in your other hand. It seems that it came from the extra power you have from the sphere.

"That is your balance breaker form. It pretty much turned your into a knight in a sense. Now come. Let see what you got." Vali says.

You charge at Vali and realize that it feels like you aren't even holding a shield in your off-hand. You swing but your arch was too wide to be able to change the direction of the blade.

"Focus. You didn't let yourself have a way to change tactics up. You need to learn on how to be able to change the direction in mid swing. Don't extend your blade all the way out from you or you leave an opening if you miss the target. Keep your blade in closer and draw your opponent in. Learn to use your blade and shield at the same time to where if need be you can pull the blade back in enough to block while using the shield to block also." Vali said.

You shifted your stance and adjusted the distance of attacking outwards and found that Vali was right. It was easier to keep your balance and at the same time to pull it back to adjust direction and block when needed with the blade. Vali started getting quicker with his move until he jumped back and stopped the assault.

"I'm not going to attack put I will move at an extremely fast speed. I want you to watch and try to see if you can focus and catch me with your eyes while watching. I want you to say now each time you see me." Vali says.

Vali alof a sudden disappears but you can hear him moving. Eventually after ten minutes you catch a glimpse and say now. He has you focus for the rest of the day on trying to catch his movements. After a while, Vali stops and calls it a day. You head back to the ORC and take a shower. While in the shower, the door opens up.

"Hello? Do you need something?" You ask out loud.

The shower door opens up and Koneko steps in. She pushes you up against the wall and grabs your shaft and starts stroking it. Once you are hard, she slowly moves forward and slides on to you. She slides all the way on you and starts moving back and forth on you. After a while she makes a loud noise as she starts to orgasm. As soon as she orgasms you release inside her. You both finish cleaning up and get dressed. Once you are both dressed, you climb in bed. As Kuroka and Koneko fall asleep you lay there thinking. You just realized that you didn't use any protection when having sex with Koneko. You hope see isn't pregnant. You fall asleep slowly with a troubled mind.

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