Ch 20 - Argument And Problems Arise

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Rias comes back after a while and tells you that, you will be leaving everyone for a while and going somewhere to learn control of your emotions.

"Will Koneko be going with me?" you ask.

"No. You will be going by yourself." Rias says.

"I refuse to go. I won't leave Koneko's side ever again." you say.

""You are under my household and I say that you are going." Rias says.

"If that is how it's going to be then I am leaving to go on my own. Koneko can follow me if she wants." you say.

"You have to listen to Rias." Koneko says.

"And what? Break my promise not to leave your side again? If that is how it is then I'm out." you say.

You get up and walk to the door when Rias appears right in front of the door.

"Move aside Rias. I don't wish to fight you but I will if I have to." you say.

Rias' hand lights up with energy. You immediately go into your balance breaker form. All of a sudden everyone sensing something is wrong shows up to see what the problem is. They arrive to see you and Rias getting ready to fight one another.

"What is going on Rias?" asks Akeno.

"(F/N) doesn't like the fact I am sending him to hell by himself to be trained by Grayfia and decided that he was going to leave once Koneko agreed with me." Rias says while still maintaining her power and watching you.

"Well he should have a say considering it is himself that it deals with." Akeno says.

"I am the king and my orders are suppose to be obeyed if I give a certain command." Rias says.

"So the person doesn't have free will anymore then?" Akeno says sarcastically.

"So you are going to turn on me too Akeno" Rias says now with anger in her voice.

"If that is how you take it, then yes. I stand for free will." Akeno says now getting mad.

Before anyone else could say another word, you move and hit Rias in the side of her head so fast that no one had time to react. Once Rias fell, you ran out the door and just kept running. You didn't know where you were going until you ended up inside an abandoned church. You fell to the ground and laid there curled in a ball and just cried.

---Meanwhile back at the ORC---

"Get Rias on the couch and Asia start healing her. I got to find (F/N) before it's too late!" yelled Koneko.

Koneko took off to look for you but didn't know where to start. She knew that she messed up when she sided with Rias. She felt guilt and sadness that you tossed her aside but she hoped that she could make it right with you. She was scared that she was going to lose you for good. She started to hate herself for what she had just done. She looked everywhere until the only place left in town was the church. She took a deep breath and walked in to find you laying in the middle of the floor unconscious. She picked you up and carried you back to the bedroom that rightfully belong to you. Everyone saw her walk in with you in her arms and saw that she was crying. After she laid you down on the bed, she left the room.

"I shouldn't of been mean to him." Rias says.

"I think I hurt him the worst with what I said to him. I feel like I betrayed him." Koneko says while still crying.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you too Akeno." Rias says.

"It's not your fault. Relax love." Akeno says.

Rias and Akeno hold one another.

"I'm going to go and lay down in bed with him. I just hope he will forgive me." Koneko says.

Koneko goes to the room and locks the door once inside. Everyone else just tries and relax for the rest of the day while waiting to see what is going to happen when you wake up.

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