Ch 13 - A Serious Threat

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Kuroka eventually cries herself out and ends up passing out in your arms. You lay her down on the bed and motion for Koneko to follow you. When you and Koneko reach the lounge, you see Issei lounging on the couch with some of the other girls trying to seduce him. You approach and clear your throat since Issei is too obsessed with the girls. Issei looks up at you.

"What's up man?" Issei asks.

"I have heard that you have fought with Vali before. Here is what I have to ask. Will you help me in fighting him?" you say.

"Why is he after you?" Issei asks.

"He wants my part of Dark Excalibur." you say.

"Don't worry he won't be a problem. I got your back any time bro." Issei said.

Rias suddenly walked in with Akeno trailing behind her.

"Well, well. So you are planning to take on Vali. You will need some training before you will stand a chance to face him. Come with me and Akeno. She will be your sparring partner." Rias said.

You and Koneko follow Rias and Akeno out to the training yard.

"Call your blade out and get ready to defend yourself. Akeno has orders not to go easy on you." Rias said.

Your summon the blade to your hand. As soon as you hold the blade up and position yourself, Akeno unleashes a bolt of lightning at you. Before you even have a chance to react to the attack, it hits you dead on, sending you flying about ten feet back. You slam into the ground and feel a sharp pain riddle through out your back. Koneko goes to rush to your side but Rias orders her to stop. As soon as you are able to stand again, you charge at Akeno. Akeno unleashes another bolt of lightning. You bring your blade up to block it, but get shocked again from it conducting through the blade.

"Come on (F/N). That blade can absorb magical attacks." Rias yelled.

You stand up again but this time it's really hard for you. You look down at your clothes and see that they are singed and that you have burns from the lightning. You go to take a step and about fall over from having the energy zapped from you and the injuries that you have sustained. You use all your might to stand up and be able to move. You still have a slight limp when moving though. Akeno shot another bolt of lightning at you. This time the bolt was more powerful. You raised your blade up again and concentrated on trying to absorb the attack. When the lightning hit your blade it was sucked into it. You felt power coursing through the blade and decided to try something hoping that it worked. You slashed the air towards Akeno and lightning shot out in an arch towards her. She tried to dodge it but wasn't quick enough due to the lack of time to react from the unexpected attack. It hit Akeno causing a huge gash to open up on her. Blood splattered the ground, and you dropped your blade to rush to Akeno's side. You could tell she was seriously hurt. Rias picked her up and teleported back to the ORC. You and Koneko walked back and when you got there, you saw Asia had already healed the wounds and Akeno was resting on the couch.

"I'm sorry Akeno. I didn't mean to hurt you." you say.

"My, my. Someone is a naughty boy. That felt good. I like pain sweetie. It turns me on." Akeno said.

All you could do is smirk at the comment. Kuroka comes out from the bedroom and comes up behind Koneko. She wraps her arms around Koneko and gives her a hug.

"You three will be sharing Koneko's room until I can make space for her." Rias said.

You and Koneko nodded not liking the idea but knew better then to argue. You head to take a shower. When you got out of the shower, you walk into the bedroom naked forgetting that Kuroka was now sharing your's and Koneko's room. You she that she is sitting on the bed crying. She looks up and you blush from embarrassment.

"I'm not into you so you don't have to worry that I see you are naked." Kuroka says.

You just nod and grab some cloths and put them on. Koneko walks in and climbs in bed from exhaustion of dealing with all the stress. Kuroka climbs in on one side of her and you climb in on the other. Both you and Kuroka put your arms around Koneko and fall asleep. All you can think about while drifting off to sleep is where and when will Vali come to attack you.

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