Ch 29 - The Finale

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This is taking place seven and half months later for a time skip. I'm sad to be ending this and enjoyed the time I put in writing it. As for a volume 2 happening I'm not sure right now if I will or won't be doing one. I put a lot of emotions into this story and appreciate the people that took time to read it. I hope everyone that has been reading this story has enjoyed it just as much as I have had writing it.


You wake up with your beautiful wife Koneko next to you. It has been wonderful enjoying the life of being a husband. No fallen angels activity has happened in so long that everyone has forgotten all about them. You still do pacts for the household while Koneko has been taking it easy due to her pregnancy. You get up out of bed and get dressed into a casual outfit. There is no classes for the day since it is the weekend. You allow Koneko to sleep since she is exhausted lately from the pregnancy. You head on out to meet Rias in her office. When you get there, Rias is sitting comfortably and seems like she has been waiting for you.

"How are you two doing lately?" Rias asks.

"Quite well. the situation seems to be going along quite well and she is expecting any day now." You say.

"Well I have a pact for you and Gasper to do today. You are to help a girl with her schoolwork. Tutoring is all I have for you to do today. Here is the location." Rias says while handing you a slip with the details of the pact.

You took the slip and bowed. You leave to go look for Gasper and find him in his room behind a computer. He looks up at you when you come in.

"What's up (F/N)?" Gasper asks.

"We have a pact to go help a girl with her schoolwork. You ready?" you say.

"Let's go." Gasper says getting up from his laptop.

You both head out of the ORC and head to the girls dorm. When you get there you knock on the main door and a girl answers. You show her the slip that you were requested to help someone with their schoolwork.

"Please follow me." the girl says.

You and Gasper follow her to a room.

"Please stay out here for a second." the girl says.

She enters the room and comes back out a few seconds later holding the door open.

"You may go in. Also you boys are allowed in rooms with girls with the door shut. I now know that you are from the household of Gremory and we trust all the guys except Issei from there. Please enjoy your visit." the girl says.

The girl leaves and you and Gasper go in. You are greeted by two girls. They look like they are freshmen. One girl goes up to Gasper and smiles at him. Gasper has got use to seeing people more often and returns the girl's smile.

"How can we gentlemen help you ladies today?" you ask.

"Um. My name is Madoka. I'm the one that asked for the help. I need help with my math homework. My friend just wanted to see Gasper is all." The girl in front of you says.

"Well Gasper have fun with your lady friend while I help Madoka with her schoolwork." you say following Madoka over to a desk with books laid out.

Gasper smiles and takes off with the other girl to her area and chats with her while you sit down next to Madoka. After about two hours go by, you helped Madoka finish her math work and teaching her the methods to solve the problems when you get a call on your cellphone. you look down and see that it's Rias calling you. You answer the call because it's unlike Rias to call during a pact.

"Hello Rias. What's up?" you ask.

"Get over to the medical wing now. Koneko is having the child." Rias says in an excited voice.

"Hey Gasper I got to go. Koneko is having the child right now." you say.

"Okay (F/N). I'm going to stay here for a while. Meet back up with you later." Gasper says.

You leave making a run for the medical wing. You get there and see Koneko lying on a bed. You rush to her side and hold her hand. The doctor is telling her to push. Within a few short minutes Koneko gives birth to your child. The doctor cuts the umbilical cord and cleans the child off. Once the child is cleaned off, they wrap the child up in a blanket and hand the child to you. You see that the child is a girl and couldn't be any happier knowing that you are now the father to a little girl. The doctor cleans Koneko up and you sit down next to her so she can hold the child. Everyone from the Gremory household comes in and sees the child. They all cheer for both you and Koneko.

"Well. It looks like we have a beautiful baby girl now to love and care for." Koneko says.

"That we do. I promise to be the best husband and father that I can be." you say as you lean over and both you and Koneko kiss each other.


Well I hoped that everyone enjoyed the finale and the final chapter of Koneko. This story is my best one yet and hope to continue making awesome stories for people to read. If you have any comments feel free to leave them. I thank everyone again that has supported me while writing this story.


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