Ch 21 - Kiss And Make up

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You wake up with Koneko laying across you. You slowly push her off as to not wake her. You go to get up when you feel arms wrap around.

"Please don't leave me. I'm sorry for what I said." Koneko says while crying.

"I'm not going to leave you. I was planning on coming back. I just wanted time to think." you say.

Koneko leaps on you and hugs you. You hug her back when her ears perk up.

"I know you guys are standing on the other side of the door listening." Koneko says loudly.

You her shuffling noises from the other side of the door. There was even a small squeak from one of the girls. You walk over to the door and open it to find everyone standing there. You walk over to Rias and bow respectfully.

"Sorry for my anger from earlier Master." you say.

Rias grabs a hold of you and makes you stand straight up.

"There is no need for you to apologize to me. I should be the one apologizing to you for now seeing how you felt about it." Rias says.

Rias then grabs a hold of you and hugs you while sobbing into your shoulder. You pat her back and and reassure her that everything is alright. You look over at Akeno with a look of help me here. Akeno grabs Rias and kisses you on the cheek.

"Thanks for being kind to her sweetie." Akeno says to you.

You just nod then look over at Koneko. You walk over to her and sweep her off her feet so fast that it startled her. She let out a scream from it. You walk into your room with her and shut the door. You carry her over to the bed and drop her on the bed in a playful way. You walk back to the door and lock it. You walk back over to the bed.

---Lemon Warning---

You take your shirt off exposing your chest. Koneko has a blush on her face as you climb on top of her. You start kissing her neck and she reaches down to undo the zipper on your pants. You start undoing her shirt while she slowly pulls your pants down. Your shaft pop out hard as a rock. You pull her skirt and panties off while she undoes her bra. You go back to kissing her while slowly playing with her clit while using your finger to do so. She starts to let out soft moaning noises as you keep your finger on her clit while slowly kissing down her body to her soft spot. Once you reach her soft spot you lick her lips tasting her sweet juices. She arched her body upwards when your tongue touches her clit. You slowly work your tongue inside her licking the walls inside her. Without warning she cums exploding in your mouth her sweet juices. Once you swallow her juices, she flips you over on licks the tip of your shaft before swallowing the entire length of you. She goes all the way down to where your shaft goes deep down into her throat feeling so good that it makes you cum. She swallows and then slides herself down on your shaft until it is all the way inside of her. She starts to ride you slowly at first and then gets faster. You reach climax again quickly to where you explode inside her just as she cums at the same time. She then rolls off you while trying to catch her breath.

---End of Lemon---

"I'm going to take a shower. You want to join me?" You ask her.

"Yes please!" She says happily.

You both get up and get some clean clothes and take a shower together while cleaning each other throughly. Once dressed you both head out to the main room of the ORC. Everyone is staring at you two with happy smiles on their faces.

"Glad to see you two are okay. I'm not going to send you away (F/N). Please stay and continue to live here." Rias says now that she has control of herself again.

"I was going to come back. I can never leave my family." you say.

Everyone cheered that you were here to stay. They decided to take the day off of everything and enjoy a day of spending time with everyone. Rias even called Grayfia and said that there was no need for her to come. Everyone just spent the rest of the time playing board games enjoying spending time as a family.

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