Ch 7 - Consumed By Dark Excalibur

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As soon as you and Koneko are through the portal, your senses detect a threat instantly and you barely have enough time to bring Dark Excalibur out and block when a ball of energy made out of darkness hits your blade. Koneko jumps back out of the way and was about to go on the assault with you, when you hold your hand up to stop her.

"I'm sorry love. This is my fight. Just make sure to stay out of the way so I don't end up hurting you." You say to her.

Koneko steps back realizing that you are amped for the battle. You release your blade by sticking it the ground and calling for your balance breaker. Your blade glows a darkish blue color. You pick the blade up and close your eyes. You no longer rely on your sight. You use sound only. You hold your blade out in a defensive stance. All of a sudden you hear a sound coming at you from your right. It was coming at you fast. You bring your sword up just in time to deflect the ball of energy. There came another sound that was different then what the balls sounded like. Without thinking you grab outwards with your hand and end up grabbing Rias by the throat. All of a sudden you lost consciousness of what was going on and lost control.

"(F/N) let go! You are hurting me!" Rias yelled.

You don't even her voice. Your hand keeps closing tighter each second. Koneko gets scared and teleports out.


As soon as Koneko gets back she starts telling everyone what is going on. Tahlia teleports out to get help. Everyone else teleports to the field.


 You feel a new threat emerge. You toss Rias through the air and she collides into a wall knocking her unconscious. Everyone starts attacking you but they can't even land an attack on you. An angel appears out of nowhere and you instantly react to the feel of Excalibur. You were waiting to see how Dark Excalibur would do against Excalibur. While battling against the angel, Sir Zechs and Grayfia appear.

"Garyfia! Take him down!" Sir Zechs commands.

Grayfia nods and attacks. Before the thought could manifest in your mind, Grayfia knocks you out with the hilt of one of her blades.

"Irina get him to the ORC!"Rias says.

The angels picks you up and teleports back to the ORC. Everyone teleports back also. They lay you down on your and Koneko's bed. They walk out leaving Koneko with you. Koneko curls up next to you. All they can do is wait and hope that you wake up.

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