Ch 8 - Emotions Running Wild

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You wake a few hours later. You are dazed on what happened. You look around and see that you are in your room and Koneko is laying next to you sleeping. Sensing that you are awake Rias comes in the room. You back away from her and when she talks you flinched.

"How are you (F/N)?" Rias asks.

"I-I-I'm fine. W-W-Where is A-A-Akeno?" you ask looking around with fear in your eyes.

"She is in the lounge. Why do you ask?" Rias asks.

"Y-y-you had her attack me." You say.

"How do you know what happened? We thought you lost control." Rias says.

"I knew what was going on but couldn't stop it. I was trying to stop from attacking you guys." you say.

"I'm sorry that I had her do that to you but I couldn't take any chances." Rias says with tears in her eyes.

Rias then turns around and runs out the room. You walk to the bathroom and lock the door. You were tired of everyone getting hurt because of you. You broke open a razor and leaned against the wall while witting on the floor. You slit your wrist and end up passing out from the pain.

---fifteen minutes later---

Koneko wakes up and looks around and sees that you are gone. She gets up and heads to the bathroom because she needs to go badly. She tries to turn the doorknob and it is locked. She looks down and sees blood coming from under the door. She runs to the lounge room screaming out for Rias.

Everyone comes running from Koneko screaming.

"What is it Koneko?" Rias asks.

"(F/N) has locked himself in the bathroom and there is blood coming from under the door." Koneko says in a panicked voice.

"Shit! Koneko break the door down! Asia get ready to go!" Rias yells.

They rush back into the bedroom and Koneko breaks the door down. They see you on the floor passed out and your wrist cut deeply. Asia drops down next to and starts healing you. Rias carries you to the bed. They wait for you to wake up and Rias has two people watch you to make sure you don't do anything again to hurt yourself. Rias walks out crying thinking in her mind that she has failed you. Everyone just sits around to wait until you wake up. Once again you are making everyone play the waiting game.

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