Ch 4 - Your Ultimate Decision

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Now that everyone was gathered, Rias had an announcement that she didn't like to make.

"I have some bad news. (F/N) has left the school. He is running from being scared. We have to find him before they do. Spread out and search the town." Rias commanded.

Rias had a worried look on her face. She didn't know what to expect. Koneko looked at Rias. She nodded her head and Koneko transformed into her Nekomata form. As Koneko took off, Rias hoped that Koneko was the one to find him. She was the only one that had a shot of killing instantly knowing that Koneko's aim on a mark never missed it's target.

---Back to (F/N)---

You were running in any direction that you thought would get you away from the school when a girl that looked like she was part cat jumped in front of you.

"Who are you and what do you want?" You asked putting your guard up.

"Hmm. I knew that we missed getting rid of someone that night. It doesn't matter who I am, because I have come to eliminate you." the cat-like woman said.

You raised your hand up into the air and yelled, "Come forth Dark Excalibur". A blade made out of shimmering metallic blue appeared in your hand. You braced yourself and got into a defensive stance ready for the attack. The woman attacks sending a ball of what appears to be made of light at you. You bring your blade up and deflect the ball. When it makes contact a few feet away it cause an explosion. The concussion from it sends you flying in the air. You land on your back as the woman steps closer with the intent to kill you. She was just about to attack again when you hear a voice telling her to back off. You look over and see that it's Koneko. She is standing there in her form that made her look cat-like and had a fierce aura coming from her. You could feel the energy from it.

"Get away from him sis before I am forced to kill you. He is mine and I will protect him any means necessary and that means even if I have to kill you!" Koneko yells at the woman.

The woman looks at you and says, "You are lucky that my sister was here to save you, but mark my words, this isn't the end of this." She lifts her hand and a circle appears on the ground. She smirks at you as she steps in and disappears. Koneko runs to your side and pulls you into a hug. She then lifts her hand to her ear and taps on it. A symbol in a brilliant red appears.

"Rias I found him, and Kuroka is back." Koneko says.

You can't hear a thing but Koneko nods. She then looks at you with tears in eyes.

"I'm sorry for what I am about to do." Koneko says.

You see her raise a fist and then nothing. When you regain consciousness, you are in the ORC again. Everyone was looking at you with a worried look on their and Koneko couldn't even look at you. As you got up everyone immediately put their guard up. You put your finger to your lips telling everyone to be quiet and walked up behind Koneko. Because she was refusing to look in your direction she didn't know that you had got up and came behind her. She looked like she wasn't even there right now. Her head was hung low and was staring at the floor. You grab her and spin her around. Before she could say anything, you kissed her. Her face instantly showed surprise. You turned around and looked at everyone.

"I have decided to stay." You said.

You turn back to Koneko. You grabbed her hand and looked at her trying to see what see might be thinking about. After you looked at her closely you finally spoke.

"I'm not the best person when it comes to girls. Neither have I loved someone or dated any girls. I would like to ask you one question if you don't mind." you say.

"What is it?" Koneko asks.

"Will you go out with me?" you ask while getting down on your knee and bowing your head.

"Yes!" She exclaims loudly and hugs you.

You get back up and everyone congratulates both of you. Both you and Koneko kiss but this time it's much deeper. 

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