Ch 11 - Oops

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You wake up not even realizing when you fell asleep. You look around and notice that Koneko isn't around. You get up out of the bed and go to the bathroom. When you open the door, you are caught off guard. you quickly close the door. You just saw Koneko completely naked. You walk out to the lounge and before you could see anything you get hit in the head by something hard, causing you to drop to you knees.

"You insensitive dick!" Asia yells.

"What the hell was that for?" you ask.

"You didn't stop to think about how the rest of us would feel about you trying to kill yourself." Asia yells at you.

"She's right. You really need to also think of others." Kiba says.

"Live an interesting life man." Issei says.

Gasper and Tahlia both come up next to you. They look at each other and nod and they slap you at the same time. Xenovia just shakes her head at you. All of a sudden Akeno is standing in front of you. She has a mad look on her face. She raises her hand up and points at you. All of a sudden you are hit by lightning and boy does it hurt like hell. All of a sudden Koneko comes running out of the bedroom yelling for everyone to stop. Koneko runs up to you and hugs you.

"I will not permit anyone to lay another hand on him again." Koneko says to everyone.

You start to sway a little and Koneko catches you before you could fall. Asia comes up and starts healing you while apologizing for being so mean. To show that there isn't any hard feeling you hug Asia.

"It's okay. Don't apologize. I know I did something stupid and made everyone mad. I just hope that you will find someone that will treat you with love and kindness that Koneko has treated me." You say.

You let Asia go from the hug and approach Rias. You bow on your knee before asking the question for Rias.

"If you will accept me, I would like to become a devil and pledge my life to Koneko and your household." you say loud enough to where everyone can hear you.

Rias lifts your head up. She is smiling.

"I would be honored for you to join my household." Rias says.

You smile at her. Koneko walks up and picks you up and carries you to the bedroom while telling everyone to leave you guys alone for a while. Once you two are in the bedroom, she locks the door and throws you onto the bed.

"Since you saw me naked, I want to see you bare." She says bluntly.

You blush but take your clothes off not daring to make her mad again. Once you are naked, she climbs on top of you. She starts to remove her clothes, but you grab her hands.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" you ask her.

"Yes. I want to try it." She says.

You slowly reach up and help her take off her shirt and bra. Once done you reach under her skirt and slowly slide her panties down. She helps you get them off. The whole time she is blushing. You slowly take the skirt off. She positions herself above and slowly slides down on you since you are already hard. Her face starts to show pain and you reach up to stop her from sliding down too quick. You don't want her to be in pain. Slowly she slides down until you are all the way in. She then starts moving up and down slowly on you until it gets comfortable for her. After she gets comfortable, she starts moaning. She keeps going until she cums and you cum at the same time. Once done, she rolls off of you while smiling. Her ears and tails are out. She cuddles against and you both fall asleep from being exhausted.

---Author's Note---

I know people were waiting for when I was going to do the first sex scene. I waited because I wanted to make the relationship deeper before I did the scene. I wanted to also add suspense. This story won't have a lot of sex scenes in it either because I don't want to make mainly about smut. I want this story to mainly focus on a good relationship between Koneko and the cross reader. I hope all of you people that read this story are enjoying it. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to leave a comment. I will respond as soon as possible.

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