Ch 17 - The Mental Breakdown

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Koneko eventually looks up at you and smiles. You hug her closely hoping to never lose. While everyone is pulling themselves together, Vali appears. He knocks on the window and Rias lets him in.

"Well at least you two are doing great for each other. I'm happy for you two. I'm not an asshole like everyone usually thinks. Enough talk about that though. Your second part of training starts today. I will need your help for this Koneko, if you don't mind." Vali says.

Everyone steps outside. You knew something is going to happen if the whole house showed up. You had a feeling Rias was in on this too. Koneko was next to and then all of a sudden gone. You looked around and saw that Vali had her bind up.

"Today you learn when to make sacrifices and when not to." Vali said.

With that being said, Vali cut Koneko on the arm making her bleed a little. Your mind snapped and your balance breaker instantly formed. You charged at Vali and caught him off guard. You crash right into him throwing him back about fifty feet. You kept charging before he could even gather himself together. You run your sword clean through him.

"Issei, Akeno, Kiba and Xenovia stop him!" yelled Rias.

Before you could finish Vali off four more people appeared in your vision. Your mind snapped so bad that you didn't even recognize them as your friends. Kiba tried to move behind you, but you caught him in mid step and punched him in the side of his head, knocking him out. Xenovia swung her blade at you, but you blocked it and grabbed a hold of her. You hit her in the side of her neck knocking her out. Akeno hit you with lightning but you absorbed it with your blade and sent it back at her with enough force that is fell out of the air unconscious. You turn towards Issei and saw him as the last threat standing in your way. You charge at him but he side steps and bring his fist upwards into your gut causing you to stumble backwards a little. The last thing you see is a fist and then you were out.

"Asia start healing everyone. Heal Vali first. he is bleeding to death." Rias yelled.

Koneko sat there crying seeing everything that just happened. Rias picked you up and teleported you back inside the ORC. She laid you down and teleported out to go see Sona Sitri. She thought that Sona might be able to help with this problem.

--- meanwhile---

Everyone is eventually healed and head back in. They al see that Rias laid you down on the couch.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that was going to happen." Vali said.

It was a shock to see that Vali was actually sincere and felt bad for once.

"It was your fault. You didn't know." Issei said.

It was odd seeing both Issei and Vali around each other without fighting one another. Just then Rias walked in with Sona and Tsubaki following her.

"Hmm. We will have to wait until he wakes up. Looks like he will be out for a while. I think you went overboard a little Issei but at least you didn't kill him. Does anybody know what triggered it." Sona says.

"It happened when I barely cut Koneko. I was trying to see how he would handle a situation to where you might have to learn when and when not to sacrifice." Vali said.

"Hmm it seems he is quite attached to you Koneko. For now lets just wait until he wakes up. Once he is awake I will over see his training. There is something more that triggered it. That I am sure of." Sona said.

Everyone picked spots to sit and wait. Some of them fell asleep. Tahlia and Gasper fell asleep cuddling with each other. Koneko slept at her sister's side with Kuroka rubbing her head trying to reassure her that everything would be fine. Rias and Akeno huddle at the table with Kiba and Xenovia to discuss matters. They all were waiting until you woke up. The question was how long that would be.

---Author's notes---

I know that some people wouldn't agree with me doing something traumatic but I thought it would add more suspense. As always I hope you are enjoying the story.

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