Ch 18 - Sona Sitri's Help

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After four hours later, you finally wake up. You sit up quickly sweating because you remember everything that happened and couldn't stop it. You try and look around but your vision is kind of hazy. You see someone approach you but push them back away from you. Tears start streaming down your face because you couldn't believe what you almost did.

"(F/N)! Enough! Stop fighting and let us help you!" yelled Rias.

You stop fighting and snapped to attention. Your vision starts to come back to you slowly and can start making out people that are close. You see Koneko standing right next to you and instantly wrap her up into a hug. Koneko starts crying heavily. 

"Well now that (F/N) is back to his senses, shall I leave him in your care Sona?" Rias says.

"Come along (F/N). We shall see what is deep inside of your mind that is making you act violently in that nature." Sona says in a sharp and demanding voice.

Sona and Tsubaki walk out of the ORC and Rias motions for you to go and follow them. You take one look back at everyone and bow goodbye for now to them. While walking behind Sona and Tsubaki, you tend to flinch at any loud sounds. You didn't realize that Sona and Tsubaki were watching you closely out of the corners of their eyes. Eventually you reach a door that says baths on it. You start to step back when another girl walks up behind you and holds her hand out so you can't escape.

"What is the meaning of this? I will not go into a bath with any of you. I just can't. It feels like I would be b-betraying K-K-Koneko." you say while stammering.

"This bath is a private bath that was created just for me. No one can come in unless they have my permission by me giving it to them through my mind. You are absolutely safe her. Nonoe of us will seduce you and Akeno will be here shortly. If you are in a relaxed state, it will help us be able to delve into your mind easier and help come up with a solution to help you." Sona says firmly.

She turns back towards the doors and they seem to open up on their own accord. Everyone steps in and the girls start stripping their clothes off once the doors close. You stand still and have an embarrassed look on your face. The girl that joined outside comes up to you and hands you a towel.

"There is a curtain over there that you can strip behind and cover yourself up with this towel to hop into the bath." the girls says.

You just take the towel and nod your head in saying thank you and go to strip behind the curtain. Once you are just wrapped up in the towel only, you slowly head over to the bath and lower yourself in.

"My, my. I must say that (F/N) is the first guy to ever step inside my personal bath." Sona said to Tsubaki.

"I do believe that you are right so let us at least treat him with kindness and try not to scare him off." Tsubaki says.

"(F/N), just try and relax. Close your eyes and let go of all your emotions. We are your friends and only wish to help. Do you trust us?" Sona said.

"If Koneko trusts you then I will also." You say.

"Good. Once you are fully relaxed let me know. I will then put a hand on each side of your temples and delve into your mind. Anything that I see won't go beyond this room except for Rias and Koneko. Do you understand?" Sona said.

"Yes Ma'am." You say.

After about four minutes you are able to relax and shut down your emotions.

"I am ready Lady Sona." you say.

You feel a hand all of a sudden on each of your temples.

"Alright (F/N). Here we go. In three, two, one." Sona says counting down.

The sensation that happens next is unexpected.

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