Ch 14 - Vali Appears

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You wake up and realized that everyone had shifted while sleeping. Somehow you ended up in the middle with Koneko and Kuroka laying on top of you. You make a soft noise to wake the girls up. They both wake up and realize that they are laying on top of you and both blush. For some reason Koneko doesn't seem mad that her sister was cuddled up on top of you. Both where in their Nekomata forms and it made you think that you were freak because you thought Koneko was smoking hot when she was in her nekomata form. They got up and both were in their panties and bras. You blush seeing both of them in their undergarments. You got up and changed in the bathroom. Once all three of you were dressed, you three were about to head out to the lounge, when you lift your hand up to stop them.

"I sense a power that is way stronger then you two and it feels bad. Let me leave the room first." You say.

You step out through the door and see a guy wearing a bunch of white clothing. You instantly could feel the power radiating from him. Rias was on the other couch across from him.

"Ahh. (F?N) I would like you to meet Vali." Rias said.

You call Dark Excalibur to your side. You raise the blade up into a defensive stance.

"Stop (F/N). He is here just to talk." Rias said.

You sit down next to Rias and Koneko and Kuroka followed behind you while glaring at Vali. Both girls had heard everything.

"Ahh. Nice to meet the wielder of the original piece of Dark Excalibur. I am Vali. I have something to explain and hope that you will not judge me until you have heard everything that I have to say." Vali said.

"I will hear what you have to say but mark my word if you lay a hand on Koneko or Kuroka, I will cut you down." You say.

"Easy. I didn't come her to start a fight. I want the blade so I can stop Loki. He wants to destroy the world. If you don't want to hand me the blade to stop him, I suggest an alliance for now and ask you to help me stop him. I would be willing to train with you and teach you on how to fight against a god." Vali said.

"I will not hand over my blade but I will be willing to learn on how to fight. Just one condition though to the training." you say.

"Name the condition." Vali says.

"I want Issei there while we are training. No offense I have heard of your past actions and I don't trust you." you say.

"Agreed. I will return tomorrow at eight in the morning to start the training sessions if you are alright with that?" Vali says.

"That's fine. Now if you will excuse me I have preparations to do for tomorrow." you say.

Vali nods as you get up. You head to the bedroom to do some thinking for the day to mentally prepare yourself for the training. Koneko and Kuroka follow you to the bedroom but remain quiet so you can think.

After a long day of thinking, you are mentally exhausted and climb into bed. Kuroka and Koneko climb in on opposite sides of you and hold you to try and comfort you knowing that you are going to need all the support that you can get. You fall asleep thinking that you hope you don't embarrass yourself in front of Vali.

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