𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Being the only child of a notorious Don, in the State known for granting wishes to whoever is bent on succeeding in life, claiming a name for themselves turns out to be an arduous task to complete once you set foot in the L/n's territory, especially when you cross paths with Y/n L/n.

Set your eyes on her and you'd find yourself hypnotized by her charming personality, her body language leading you to hold the belief you've got a chance with her.

Although this couldn't be further from the truth which lies beneath the mere façade she holds, poisonous as a snake and sly as a fox, Y/n is the embodiment of Aphrodite.

Flaunting her beauty trapping those who get caught in her web only to devour them, this is the kind of person she was raised to be.

''I've got to hand it to you, toots'' The old geezer chuckled in amusement ''you've gotten better at this'' He tossed his final card on the table smirking at the young beauty.

She eyed the man up and down a light chuckle escaping her soft lips ''Can't say the same thing about you, now can I?''

Gasping in surprise the old man grumbled underneath his breath sweating profusely, clearly not expecting to lose against an immature girl who's got no experience in poker. Abruptly stopping herself Y/n glared paralyzing him in his chair.

''Hand everything over or I'll make sure to expose your surreptitious imports of wine to daddy dearest!'' a hand over her mouth she laughed diabolically.

 ''Such disloyalty mustn't be overlooked I'm I right?'' lifting herself from the chair Y/n placed her hands on top of the table menacingly. 

''Unless you want me to spill your guts on the ground you'll willingly surrender to us'' cutely turning her head to the side, Y/n snapped her fingers alerting one of her men to proceed and get rid of the old fart.

''WAIT NO, I NEVER ONCE BETRAYED THE FAMILIA, YOU LYING SLUT!'' he continued to scream profanities until his lungs could no more.

Aimlessly observing the rest of the gamblers, who were consumed with ignorance for the poor lad, Y/n twirled her glass of white wine boring holes in it, right before noticing the reflection of an oh-so-familiar face.

Indulging in gambling is her part-time leisure activity since not only did she eliminate prospective bastards, which plot against the family, but also get off some steam. However, due to this, she's caught the eye of the adversary of L/n, specifically a man that goes by the name Romano Vargas.

A man who worked with his fists rather than his head, a hellishly attractive man that can sweep any girl off her feet, if not for the fact that his heart is already preoccupied with someone above his reach, he and Y/n go way back before the establishment of the L/n family.

His repugnant actions caused the fall out of both families, which in turn ignited the war, separating them from each other. If only he wasn't so impulsive would they be in each other's grasp watching as the world goes by without a care in the world.

A couple with immense power over others, a passionate love between two people who found comfort in each other, damn it Romano.

One of her men lowered down and whispered something in her ear, flicking her hand she mentioned for him to leave.

Placing the glass down, giving it one last glance she left her spot heading in the direction of her superordinate, Ludwig Beilschmidt.

In actuality, Ludwig got wrapped in the mafia because of his brother's debt, and thus to pay them off Y/n's father gave him the opportunity to resolve the issue by joining.

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