𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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It was yet another day like the rest, you running late for your ballet lessons for the umpteenth time in the past month. You couldn't help, having been bombarded with endless assignments by your college, you rarely found time to sleep properly. Even the consumption of large amounts of caffeine didn't seem to be of any help. The large pile of assignments was, of course, due to your inadequacy in keeping up with said assignments.

You always postpone them until the very last minute, and now here you are barely staying conscious mind wandering to your precious bed sheets. Your desire increased more so if you took into account that you were in the middle of winter, where you wanted nothing more than to sleep snuggly under your thick sheets blanket as the heater emitted warmth your way giving you the sense of absolute paradise.

But alas, life couldn't two cents about your need for comfort, cold wind striking your face as your scarf was on the verge of flying away as you questioned your life choices up to now. Seeing the building in your line of sight you almost sighed in relief, you would be only three minutes late instead of twenty like last time, but as soon as your worries were about to be washed away a figure emerged from behind a wall. Eyes widen and mouth agape you failed to stop in time fully crashing into the person.

From an outsider's perspective, the way you both crushed into one another would have been comical if it weren't for the fact you both fell to the ground with you on top of the person's head above their firm chest. Groans and moans rushed from you two as you slowly lifted yourself offering your hand to the person as the other held to your head.

''A-ah, I'm really sorry about that...'' you apologized regaining your composure as you opened your eyes and gazed at the person in front of you.

Your eyes locked with their appearance, and your breath got caught in your throat. You couldn't help but stare shamelessly at the person who readjusted themselves, absolutely enamored by their beauty.

The way their once styled hair short dark hair swayed in the wind as their cheeks flushed by the cold temperature, or perhaps the aura they exhibited was what astonished you the most, you couldn't figure out what exuded such strong emotion out of you.

''...'Tis alright, it vas mein fault for not paying attention'' They spoke in a somewhat thick Austrian accent which had you melting, they glanced at you now fully recovered by the whole impact. ''Are you alright?'' They asked in concern before noticing their disheveled hair in front of their face.

Huffing they groaned at the fact that their hour-long preparations were ruined. You blinked at their question finally coming to your senses. ''Y-yes! I'm sorry once again, I should have been more careful!'' you begged for forgiveness embarrassed by the whole situation.

''I-'' Before the man in front of you could even form his sentence you gasped immediately remembering where you were supposed to be and as much as would want to keep talking to this handsome guy, you had somewhere else to be. You didn't wish to anger your teacher any more than you might have already had, so without much thought, you left the man alone.

The man stunned by the sudden change of course looked back at your running form unsure what could have caused this reaction, since before leaving you didn't seem burdened with time. Whatever the case may be, Roderich, dismissed the whole ordeal seeing as he was already late due to his, unfortunately, lack of any coordination skills, he knew he had to hurry to his destination.

You arrived, much to your astonishment, your instructor wasn't here yet, which means you are in the clear. About to let a breath of ease, however, your short-lived moment was cut when the older instructor spoke from right behind you in a strict tone.

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