𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Was originally supposed to be sad but changed it cause of my mood !


Sighing in exasperation a woman entered the nearest pub to grab a quick drink. It was raining outside and she was drenched with water due to the rain.

She just got off of work and came to the realization that she forgot her car keys at home, thus she was compelled to walk.

The h/c haired woman sat by the bar not bothering to take the aesthetic feeling it was giving off. It was out of character of her, she usually on regular days enjoys observing her surroundings admiring every little detail. Perhaps today wasn't the day?

The bartender offered her the drink she desperately needed to cool off and headed to assist other customers.

Next to her sat a well dressed gentleman with particularly large bushy brows. Both of them appeared to be distracted with their thoughts.

Y/n eyes lingered briefly with much boredom to the blonde male. His hand holding his head while the other one held loosely the glass.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" She inquired, not out of interest but rather because she felt like talking about ease his pain.

He slowly lifted his head and stared at the female. A light chuckle escaped his soft lips.

"Nothing..." Y/n rolled her eyes, something was clearly bothering him. Might as well spill it to a stranger that is unlikely to never cross paths with again.

"Liar, the look on your eyes said it all" Y/n proceeded to drink her drink not averting her gaze from the blonde.

His green emerald eyes were dull.

"Better let it out than drain yourself with alcohol" Arthur was completely sober so he heard every word coming out of the woman's mouth.

He has the right to remain quiet, no matter what she probably didn't care and it isn't like he came here to chat.

Y/n signed and thought of a way to both calm down and to make him speak.

"Today I woke up to find my house was robbed, they stole my phone plus cash I held in case of anything happening..." She began.

The blonde didn't say anything, he merely listened to her.

"Then I almost got fired because a costumer complained about poor costumer service, kinda wish they did" she took a sip from her drink.

"I lost my car keys actually, thought I left them at home, yet I didn't use my car today" she bitterly chuckled.

"Your turn" she said and faced the stranger.

He gulped and assumed that it wouldn't hurt to let his feelings out just this once.


That's how it all began. Y/n would casual more often than not visit the same pub she exchanged a conversation with the stranger.

"Ah, the guy I talked to yesterday" she said staring at the bar tender ready to order the usual.

She found the place to be cozy, now that she was sane.

Arthur jumped at the voice quickly searching for its owner. It was the same woman he spilled his guts to.

"Feeling better?" She asked, taking a short glimpse.

"Y-yeah" she nodded with a tiny smile.

"Good to hear that" she calmly stated before laying her arms on the bar and soon her head on top of them.

She wasn't annoyed simply tired.

"You?" Arthur asked staring at her figure.

"Mhm, just tired" he nodded after that there was silence between them.


Today was raining again just great. This time she didn't forget her keys but rather got her driving licence taken because she carelessly bumped into someone.

Her second best option is to wait till the rain stops at the pub.

"Hi again" she lazily smiles at her partner.

"Yep" she said, popping the p at the end.

"Everything alright, love?" She didn't question the love at the end of his question.

"Lost driving licence privileges" she sighed.

Arthur furrowed his brows. "I bumped into a someone" he nodded.

"Uh, so like what's your name?" She chuckled staring straight into his green hues.

"Arthur Kirkland, love...?"

"Y/n L/n, pleasure to meet you" she extended her hand waiting for a hand shake.

They shook hands and smiled.


For the past month they've been meeting at the pub exchanging their frustration in hope to ease each others situation.

Surprisingly with Y/n's somewhat comfortabling aura Arthur managed to feel relaxed.

They had become drinking buddies.

Arthur developed feelings for her whether he meant to or not was debatable.

He looked forward to their meetings. He eventually became self-conscious, it was very much unlike him and handling his feelings with the help of his allies would most definitely result in disaster.

So for now he was admiring instead of acting.


It was another night at the pub and this time it was different because the female felt like overdosing on alcohol.

Arthur kept her company.

The way words slurred out of her mouth and her flushed cheeks due to the blood pressure made his heart skip a beat.

It was wrong to take advantage of someone drunk, however, chances are she won't remember anything.

So he took it upon himself and risked his friendship with the female.

While she was laughing at his eyebrows he inched close to her. Slowly his lips touched hers and for a second Y/n gained control over her drunk conscious.

Her heart was about to explode owing to the close proximity left between them. Y/n having feelings for the male she didn't push him away, instead she smashed their lips together.

Arthur was left speachless, although that didn't mean he didn't like it. The way her lips felt on his was incredible.

After a few seconds they backed away. Y/n grinned and kissed Arthur's cheek. She didn't move though, she went up close to his ear and whispered.

"Let's do it again, but on our first date" she smiled brightly and took a drink from her glass.

Arthur was beyond red, his cheeks were extremely flushed, a small smile crept it's way to his face.

Both of them stayed silent holding each others hands enjoying the moment.


Hey, I'm back updating this as I found myself inspired by lofi music.

Hope this didn't suck ass cause I had to rewrite this 4 times to get the result I initially wanted.

I got no clue if it's even remotely appealing or not. The end was rushed ass hell because I had english lessons right when i was nearing the end, hence why it may seem rushed.

Btw I love you all for reading this shit despite it being crappy!💞💞💞

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