𝐇𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐎𝐧𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Have you ever wanted to go back in time and fix any mistake that you have made, thinking it was better to fix it then to live with it?

Thinking that you would be able to reprise everything you've ever done, fills your mind with all the things you would like to change only so you or everybody around you wouldn't have to suffer.

But have you ever imagined being stuck in the same terrible memory unable to return back in present time, as if your routine is repeating over and over again in a cycle.

One individual is going through such a horrible nightmare where nobody would ever want to be in.

The brunette-ginger male has been through so many timelines where nothing goes as planned, having to witness with his very own eyes the deaths of those he loves.

The one he loves more then he could have ever imagined, falling in love with someone other than him leaving his heart broken.

As much as he had tried to do the right thing, something always goes the other way, unabling  him to see the sun's bright shine again, and have only darkness surrounding him.

He had to do this right because if he didn't he would be ruined having to suffer yet again.

Right now walking in the mansion with the German  brothers, his Japanese friend and most importantly, (Y/n).

He had thought of the perfect plan where him and everybody would be saved, having to lose none of his beloved friends.

...But would it work?

"I don't think this is a good idea" spoke the only girl in the group of four, nervously.

"Don't-a worry Bella everything is-a going to be fine-a~" He tried to reassure his angel, but even he couldn't disagree that nothing was going to be fine.

He watched and fabricated his emotions over and over again with the feeling of torment never living him.

They were running away from the monster doing everything as planned but things could never go swimmingly with out having to do one thing wrong, it was just impossible for such a thing.

He was proud of how everybody was working together he was proud to feel the warmth (Y/n) showed him.

It was going well only thing left is for him to lock them in a sell, talk with his  brother via the phone and continue with his journey by himself.

It broke his heart again and again to leave them behind but it was the only way and he would stop at nothing.

Oh how wrong he was.


Everybody had found the Italian and tried to tell him everything was going to be okay as long as he trusted them and willing to put up with team work, they were sure to make it out alive with no one dying.

They had convinced him and he knew that he was wrong in leaving them even after everything he still refused to work together, not because he felt like it but because he had to.

And yet again he was wrong 'cause everybody especially his angel was growing a feeling of distrust to Feliciano.

But the first thing the knew someone had arrived to kill them all, the alien monster.

(Y/n) saw the monster right behind her crush but if she called out for him he would have acted like the most horrible person and let the monster kill him instead of everybody else.

So she wouldn't have to see her love she pushed him aside as fast as she could and spreader her arms and a small smile on her face.

Her head turned around and showed how she was not giving up and letting him hurt on the inside.

Everybody's eyes were wide open and the Italians heart had probably broke that moment he saw the monster strike at (Y/n), he felt some kind liquid falling and stroking his cheek.

The monster disappeared from the scene and the girl fell to her knees and then her whole body collapsed on the floor with blood leaking, coming out from her own guts.

Before anyone could move they saw Feliciano move faster then the speed of light over to the girls aid.

He spun her body around and started to shake her violently yelling for her to wake but for no one to answer him.

He cried and cried even more that he felt that he had become numb, even though he'd done everything right he still failed to save you and he was sure that everybody was also doomed.

You had managed to open your eyes ever so slightly, giving your full attention to the male that had you in his arms.

"Bella...!" His voice weak.

You couldn't move your body so you tried to speak for the last time.

"F-Feli...I l-love...You"  You managed in a raspy voice.

He cried even more his tears hitting the girls face as she slowly closed her eyes, the last sign of any emotion was the forced weak smile.

Everybody dared not to move as they watched the two from a far.

Feliciano knew that he messed up yet again, words that came out of his smooth were only spoken in his native tongue.

He had to let her die again, even after all this (Y/n) sacrificed her live for him.


Bad End


Heyy guys...Please don't hate me for the sad ending! I thought that maybe this could be with Italy being Yandere but I had decided against that idea so here's this...!

I know the end was sorta sad and that I've been gone for a long time (honestly it was not studying that kept me from writing) but I am back!

I feel so bad cause the comment on the last one didn't want another sad one shot but I had this in my memos for a long time.

And because of that I have new ideas so don't worry next one WILL NOT be sad.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this and don't forget to vote! 💛

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