𝐈𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Animal crossing new horizon finally came out and Y/n was in a rush to try and get her hands on the game before it got sold out in her neighbourhoods game stores.

She was going to make the cutest town ever known to man kind.

Snatching her wallet and keys she sprinted outside, many were giving her odd looks, did she care in the slightest?


The doors to of Walmart opened automatically and the Y/n searched for the gaming department in a hurry.

She has been waiting for the game ever since Nintendo spoiled the release date. From the screenshots it looked increasingly cute.

She gasped and her eyes sparkled in delight. She knew that Emil, although not much interested in gaming would love the game!

Quickly getting a grasp of it she completely ignored the price tag. Well, it wasn't like she came unprepared so even if it was too expensive she would buy it nevertheless.

Purchasing it she went hope in bliss.


Now this is where Emils nightmare started. Because of the game his girlfriend bought her attention was consistently glued to the screen.

The attention he was receiving from the female was minimal something that irritated him slightly.

Who was he kidding he was jealous.

Let's not mention that she would call Kiku and discuss all about the game, sometimes they even played together.

Y/n knew what may be the cause of her boyfriends sudden change in attitude. His priority was to direct her attention to him in many useless ways.

At first he would ask her for help for things he "didn't" understand, then he went the extra mile of going outside with her on walks.

It wasn't like they never go out, but ever since the small spawn of satan they've been staying home frequently. Thus, Emil would plan dates.

His girlfriend could only describe his behaviour as cute, so she continued to abuse Emil.

Of course, another reason was because she had to get past the Bunny Day event, which took longer than anticipated and all the bells she had to earn to create her ideal island.


Emil became more clingy, he would hug Y/n from behind while she was sitting on the couch in their living quarters playing Animal Crossing and place his head on her shoulder.

He knew she was ticklish on the shoulders, so he blew on and it would always result in them having a tickling war.

Moreover, he would do embarrassing things, such as feed her, cuddle more often, give her butterfly kisses all so he could get her attention and quickly switch to talking to her normally until she got back into the game.

When he does those things both would feel slightly awkward and strange for it wasn't in Emil's nature to be so affectionate but rather Y/n's.

It's as if they switched personalities.

The last thing Emil do was to hide the game and the console.

You were searching the whole house like a maniac and yelling out profanities for being stupid and losing your precious.

The silver haired stared at his frustrated girlfriend suppressing the tiny smirk of victory aching to appear.

"EMIL HAVE YOU SEEN MY NINTENDO SWITCH?!" Y/n yelled from the living room, despite that he was also with her.

"No" he said, praising himself.

Eventually, she will become bored of searching and will desire to calm her nerves by talking with him or by tending to her garden.

"Emilllllll" she groaned.

The male chuckled next to her.

"I'm sure it's somewhere here" he reassured.

She playfully glared at him.

"Where is it you jelly bean?" She inquired with puffed cheeks.

For a brief second Emil's eyes widened in shock of how you found it was him soon, however, he began to dig his way through with a lie.

"H-how would I know...and j-jelly bean?" He meekly asked, his cheeks slightly rosy embarrassed that he was once again caught.

Y/n smiled sweetly at Emil.

"Mhm, you hid my game so I can shower you with love, right?" She blushed a bit flattered.

Emil directed his eyes anywhere else but to hers, if he stared at her she will immediately know that her claim was indeed correct.

"Come here, you~!" She spread her arms and gave Emil a bear hug, kissing his cheek in the process.

Odd how two different people with different ideas of romance found each other and worked together.

The purple eyes male sighed and wrapped his arms around his sweet girlfriend.

They stayed like that for a bit until...

"Soooooo...where did you put it?" Y/n lifted her head from his chest and stared puzzled at Emil, who in return sweatdropped.

"I...uh...gave it to Mathias..." he admitted.

Y/n deadpanned "I'm not getting back am I?"

Emil nodded.

"Well, I guess you can always see my island when we visit him, now wanna watch f/s?" You giggled, a bit bothered yet you couldn't stay angry at him.

Besides, the console belonged to Mathias you just borrowed it.

Emil nodded again with a gentle smile on his soft baby like features, then kissed your forehead.



Voila another cringy one shot that is shorter than the previous one.

But, hey lofi music really gives me cute vibes.

Anyways, don't forget to vote ans thank you for reading this!💞

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