𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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After so many years that have past, you can still remember the day you met him.

It all happened in high school, he was the most bizarre guy you've met, why? Ah well he would always stay quiet, not even a word would come out of his mouth.

He was quite the bookworm.

And the most interesting thing was he would read fair tale related books or anything that has to do with magic something he still does.

He was magical.

Your friends would always pursue you to go and speak with him but you would always make excuses just so you could make a run for it.

But now, after you found the courage your friends cheered you on the whole time, always there for you.

You confessed your love for him and much to your surprise he accepted.

But for you even confessed to him, you remembered your conversation with him.

Both sitting under a really tall tree reading different books, your's being a novel that Arthur had suggested once.

You two would always sit under this tree together on lunch breaks in high school and in college. Enjoying the peaceful silence.

"Hey Lukas?" You asked.

You knew he was listing and thus you continued.

"If you ever fell in love with someone would you be by their side no matter what?"

He turned his head slowly and looked straight into your eyes.

"No matter what, even if the world ended I would still love them"

You knew that he actually meant that even if he fought with his partner he would try and make things better.

And now that years have past you can see that he was for sure, true to his words.

Now that both of you are together he hasn't left you, no not even once.

It made you sad how you two would argue always in the mornings you didn't know why, even if you didn't mean it you would.

Both of you couldn't be with one other you loved each other more then anything.

Though you remember once when you left him all alone, there was something in his eyes you knew he could never fake... he was crying in front of you begging you not to go.

It hurt you every time you would leave him telling him that your relationship was a simple fair tale.

You never meant to hurt him.

To see tears in his eyes, you couldn't see him sad you loved him so much that you were willing to end your own life just so you wouldn't ever have to see his crying his heart out.

The melodic sound of the violin that he would play for you made your heart flutter.

His eyes were always watching you taking in your beautiful features.

You were his and he was yours.

It hurt him so much not to know why you two fell apart.

He could never find you, even if his heart wanted just to see you smile to lift him up.

It was like was cursed.

He would always be able to find you no matter, let it be a month later or even a year he would still find you and when he would.

It was like you two were back in high school when he had first fallen in love with you.

With your voice, eyes, hair everything.

It was as if the world wanted him to be cursed waiting for him to lose it, just like that.

He was strong.

Whenever he was in the basement he would be brewing his potions you would always be there trying to learn for Lukas.

He loved you very much.

He didn't know why it had to be him.


At night you two would be reading like usual and would start laughing.

You two were like to immature adults, you would fight and then you would be laughing at night always forgetting the reason as to what started the fight between you.

On the walks you would take or in the park while eating ice-cream and just kept quiet, and you two would again started arguing.

Lukas remembered the advice the stupid Dane had given him.

'You two are inseparable so never worry that she would leave just keep on trying'

And that's what he did, yet apparently some magical creature had cursed him.

It never worked.

He thought it was him, no it wasn't him.

"Lukas, I love you with my whole heart.."

"Then why leave?" He wanted you here to make him happy to give him your love.

"Because I can't take it anymore 'this' are relationship is a simple fair tail, we never seem to get out of this cycle"

You and him knew that one day you would encounter with one another like you always do.

But this time something about your statement seemed weird to Lukas.

He grabbed your wrist trying to stop you from living.

"Would we see each other again?" He asked desperately but still remaining with a bland expression.

"I'm not sure, Lukas" the floor was now the most interesting place to look at.

You left with your luggage in hand, leaving the love of your life once again.


A whole year later.

You were with Elizabeta out shopping and chatting for whatever crossed your mind.

"So how about we sit in one of the cafe's?"

You nodded and sat on the outside area of the cafè of your choice.

You two order your drinks, your's being tea.

What seemed like five minutes you spotted someone that looked really familiar to you.

That blond hair, that curl that can't be spotted that easily.

He looked towards your way and the both of you just locked eyes.

Meanwhile, on the other hand Lukas was waiting for you to go to him or give him a smile.

No, this time you weren't going to act like everything was going to be fine and go back to him, I mean you loved him and wanted him but this time you will have to let go of him and your undying love.

Turning back to Elizabeta and giving her your full attention and completely ignoring Lukas in the process.

He was surprised, why? Well as it was said in the beginning you guys would fight over nothing.

He hoped that maybe one day he would meet you and be with you either in this life or another.

But only time could tell.


Welp, here goes another one shot I think that this one too sucked but I don't know, and tomorrow I will update the Mystreet fanfic tomorrow (I hope) and I was planning on making another fanfic but I think that I should firstly finish that one and then start a new one.

Hope you enjoyed this one too!

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