𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ᵖᵗ. ¹

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In a land far away lived a beautiful girl. In her village she was known as the most stunning and kind woman to be ever born.

She indeed looked up to those standards, the label put on her did truly speak for itself.

She always assisted others in need, sometimes she would even risk her li, yet she couldn't care less.

Her gorgeous pale skin held little to no blemish, gossip spread about the girl. About how she was a witch for having something others most definitely have but never acknowledge.

Beauty among her village was considered to be substantial.

There were many pursuers, yet she ignored them all as if they were some pestering flies.

The only people she wished to sacrifice and oblige to were her mother and ill grandmother.

Oh, her beloved grandmother, she had recently fallen sick due to an unknown disease. Thankfully, it wasn't the type to spread, but it left both her mother and her concerned for her wellbeing.

So, the ever so generous Y/n volunteered to visit her grandmother's house that is situated somewhere far into the woods. She placed the cloak that so happens to be a gift from granny around her shoulders.

Her hood on and a bright smile she left her room and ran down the stairs towards the kitchen. Her physician prescribed some herbs for the bring with her. Besides, that she also baked a ton of goods for her granny to taste and to cherish.

"Darling..." came the voice of her concerned mother.

"Yes, mother dearest?" She chimed puzzled.

"Are you certain you wish to go by yourself, we can always reach to that gentleman you've been speaking to?" Her mother suggested.

Y/n shook her head.

"Why involve someone else into our family matters, doesn't it seem improper?"

He mother sighed.

"Of course, but that boy seems to take a liking to you" Y/n glanced at her mother before covering her basket with a red cloth.

"Need you remind me of that?" Y/n sighed.

There was a boy in the village that works at the bakery down a few blocks from her house next to the botanist. The particular boy always attempted to strike a conversation with her.

He was nice, caring, and all the while very charming. That is how he portrays himself in front of her, behind closed doors he's rude, ignorant, basically nothing what he shows.

Y/n approached the door where her mother stood, the older woman kissed her daughters forehead and wished her a safe trip.

By all means will she be safe, she didn't bring a dagger secretly with her for nothing. She planned to use it if anyone dared to touch her porcelain skin.


At last, Y/n stepped into the woods. The birds are chirping the leaves were rustling and all in all it was pleasant to say the least.

The forest was pure unlike the villagers in her town. They all made her up to be some Goddess when she was only human.

The range from her grandmother's house varied tremendously. For her to arrive there she will need at least 3-4 days maximum.

Why did her grandma live so far?

Essentially, her grandma and her mother got into a serious squabble, which left her grandma to abandon them.

However, the woman still loved her granddaughter very much.

Y/n doze off into dream land. How easy it would be to have easier means of transport instead of walking.

For instance, the bakers son. No, Y/n shuddered at the mere thought of him. She could ask some else but then the trip would transform into the person accusing her of wichery.

How absurd.


It was already the 2 day of her long trip. Y/n laid down leaning on a tall tree sleeping peacefully. The suns was masked by the multiple leaves.

A very bizarre man so happened to be lurking around the same area the girl slept in.

Curious he approached the girl and his stomach growled at the sight of her. His prey didn't even know what was bound to happen.

His inner self pushed the hunger overtaking him slowly. He didn't intend on eating someone, not again.

He was cursed to feed upon innocent souls he found near by. The taste of their blood is simply atrocious to him, yet there is no other way to live.

The woman stirred in her sleep. There was a small river close by and it's pleasing sound or perhaps the sound of his footsteps slowly awakened her.

Groaning she stretched her limbs moaning in delight. Her eyes glimpsed at a strange fluffy object swinging behind a tree.

Cautiously, Y/n stuck her hand in the pocket of her red skirt gripping the dagger tightly.

Hastily she got up and approached the tree.

The person hiding behind it wished he could disappear, the sense of her blood was all he could smell. His claws gripped the tree in order to not given in to his natural desires.

An idea popped in his head, he could scare her off!

Prepared he jumped out of his lame hiding place and roared.

Y/n stood there unfazed only staring at the creature before her in pure curiosity.

The person was extremely tall in comparison to her, he had blonde hair that was pulled back and had the most bright blue eyes she's ever seen.

Now, the strange was that he had long ears, a long fluffy tail and sharp dark nails.

The male froze contemplating whether it would be good to just flee.

"Greetings" she softly said.

Unware of what he was supposed to say Ludwig stayed in the same position awkwardly.

"My name is Y/n" she introduced.

Perhaps, it was idiotic to introduce yourself to someone that appeared to be a completely different species and possibly a murdere, but it wasn't like Y/n couldn't handle it.

"Um...okay, are you hungry?" She smiled.

Ludwig just nodded frantically his stomach growling.

Y/n giggled and stalked to her basket. Finding a loaf of bread she handed it to him carefully.

Ludwig by now was baffled, who was this girl and why was she helping him? Most people would run away in an instant after seeing his face.

While he was devouring the loaf Y/n noted that he had sharp teeth.

"I'm sorry, but I must leave now I'm headed towards my grandmother" she spoke sternly and grabbed her basket leaving at once.

Ludwig choked on his food and acted impulsively. He grabbed her hand roughly.

The moment he heard grandmother, the devil inside him wish to cling onto the girl.

"May I accompany you?"


This will be continued but separately so expect a part two next year probably 😂😂

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