𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚

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You were visiting your close friends in one of the parks that was near your apartment structure to hang together.

You couldn't hide your excitement, having not able to see them in three months had its toll on you, working days on end just to get your polish friend to get out of his house had finally payed of.

On the other hand though you had Toris the nervous Lithuanian male had been a pain in your bum because for him to come you had to ask Ivan to which you were pleased to hear that he let him out the mansion.

Getting prepared for the day you put on a casual yet something that was designer for Felix, putting your hair in ponytail, had a very little amount of make-up on you, grabbed your keys and phone and were out.

You hoped that they didn't have a hard time finding the park I mean you did tell the address to Ivan so he might of told Toris the wrong place.

Entering the green park your eyes were scanning the place for the males that were supposed to be waiting for you at the entrance of it.

"(Y/n), over here~!" A polish accent was heard from behind you.

Turning around to see the blonde male and the Brunette right next to him giving off a small gentle smile.

"Hey you guys, are you ready to have a fun get-together?!" You squiecked, practically jumping in joy.

"Huh, like what a greeting this is" Felix spoke in a sarcastic manner hoping you would get the hint, which you did.

You quickly opened your arms and hugged both of 'em.

Letting go you stepped backwards to let them have some air and not suffocate them in your bear hugs.

"You were like a little late with the hug but like it doesn't really matter" Felix moved his left hand up and down to show you that it was completely fine that you forgot this once.

That's what you usually do when you see them, hugging them in tight hugs to show them how much you loved them, you would even remind them by saying it occasionally out of the blue.

You spotted Toris looking at you so you winked in advance and went on saying.

"Shall we go I have planned the whole day for the both of us, so do any of get sick when on a boat?" That questioned made them give you a look of confusion and of fair of what you had planned but nevertheless nodded no.

"Great let's go!" You grabbed their wrists and started dragging them across as if they were a sack of potatoes.

Whilst you had a gleeful smile on your face the two males had been given each other strange looks as if they could read the others mind, only of course to fail in doing so.

Taking a cab to the nearest dock you made sure to have three tickets with you otherwise this day was doomed.

Going on the enormous boat you were looking at the sea awaiting the time that will come soon after arriving at the destination.

"(Y/n), where exactly are you taking us?" A nervous voice spoke.

"Oh come on Toris, do you not trust your me?" You had your back facing them so you had failed to see Toris's face doubting you ever so quietly.

Though he had to admit he was impressed that Ivan had let him go with you since he thought you two hung out to much which wasn't exactly true you just liked the Russians creepy aura.

He was glad nevertheless to have you by his side, you could say he had developed a crush on you. After all you were the second person to pop into his mind the first one being Felix of course.

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