𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Закрой глаза скорее,


In the middle of the night you were trying your hardest to fall asleep, but to no vail.

Having being send to bed about hours before, you yet had to close your eyes.

A little child like you had a very hard time falling asleep from when you were born, but now you had to hurry otherwise...


Кто-то ходит за окном,

И стучится в двери.


Your body started to tremble like it would every single night.

Having been told that if you stayed awake a man would come and hurt you the same guy that your mother spoke of every night.

Your eyes wide open listening in for him.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the front door.



Кричит ночная птица.


The night birds chirping melody made its way into your ears.

Your whole body started to shake like a leaf from the sound of the birds.

Quick you have to fall asleep.

You knew for the past weeks that the man was real, lurking in at night having regretted that you didn't listen to your dear mother.

You couldn't sleep.


Он уже пробрался в дом.

К тем, кому не спится.


The front door made an eerie creaking noise.

He was in, exploring the house he now had memorized.

You could yell for your parents, but it would be to late for that.

He was looking for the little girl that could not sleep.


Он идет...

Он уже



His footsteps were getting closer.


Closing your eyelids trying your very hardest to sleep, but something wasn't letting you.

Such a frightening experience this was.

You tried to turning around in a comfortable pose , still nothing.



Ты слышишь, кто-то рядом?


Your door opened and from what you could understand he was coming your way.

Sleep, sleep! You told yourself.

You weren't ready to see him.


Притаился за углом,

И пронзает взглядом.


He was now visible to you, his brightly wistful purple eyes, so bright that they even lit in the dark.

That creepy grin, that big scarf and that pipe.

You were in so much fear that you froze.



Все скроет ночь немая.

За тобой крадется он,

И вот-вот поймает.


He lurked in closer with his metal pipe and a cheerful smile on his soft lips.

How could a guy like him be so cruel to little children.

Your little figure could not be compared to his.

He spoke in a creepy yet sweet tone.

"Little sunflower, you should have known that I wouldn't spare your life again"

His shadow was looking over your body.

"Though, I must admit you are my favourite one of them all, but your time has come, next time remember to sleep and not stay awake, да?"

He kissed your forehead and with that smile on his face he gripped his pipe and next thing you know everything went black.


Он идет...

Он уже



Ты слышишь, кто-то рядом?

Притаился за углом,

И пронзает взглядом.


Hey there it's Sunday I know but I just couldn't have the slightest thought of this creepy Russian Lullaby.

Honest it's creepy but that makes it more interesting.

Hope it didn't suck.

And guy know that if I stop posting for a while it's because I am studying for future exams!

Anyways, hope you liked it and don't forget to favourite it! 💛

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