𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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You were now living on your own but you felt the need to have someone else with you, under the same roof like roommate but.

Thinking that living with a roommate seemed like one of the best ideas ever...that was until you got to spend a whole week with him.

He was probably the most annoying guy ever, why?

Well not only did he make you his little 'slave', he was always yelling not giving a single day without him complaining for something you did wrong.

The apartment you lived in wasn't too big neither too small just enough for two people to live in.

You knew that your Italian roommate was quite the hot-headed person but you knew that he was trying to do his best, even though sometimes instead of doing something good he made you clean after him.

You knew he had a brother because the first night of being roommates you heard him screaming, making you barge into his room and witness that someone next to him with closed eyes was there freaking out.

Not only his brother did you meet but also his friend or enemy?

He was Spanish from what he told you, he was the exact opposite of Lovino.

Having spend more time with his friend and brother you got to learn more about them than Lovino.

You just wished he was more open to you.

Every time you tried to get close to him you would start off amazingly well conversing with the grumpy male but then starting to argue over and over again.

One time you two went out, more like you forcing him to because he wouldn't budge from his room.

That was one of the times you cherished with him because it was the very first time you had to talk to him normally for a whole day.


It has been three months since the time you had firstly met.

A jolly time might I say.

Him plopping his bag on the ground, giving you a glare and blandly asking your name and which room is his. With of course after asking, he blushed.

Now that three months had passed you had planned so many things to do with him.

"Hey Lovi?"

Lovi was the nickname you had given him so you could annoy him and because it sounded a lot cuter.

"Ugh, idiota*1! I told you not to call me that!?"

Your smile grew.

"Anyways~, I was thinking how about we go out and hang out at the beach?"

He gave you a 'are you serious' look giving you the meaning that he did not wish to go out.

You were disappointed and so decided to call his friend to come over and force him to go outside.

The door bell rang which meant he was here, running quickly to the door calling out to Lovino that you were going to open the door.

Opening it slowly you saw the emerald green eyes and tanned skin of Antonio Fernandez Carriedo.

"Hola chica!"

"Hello Antonio!"

After hours and hours of trying to get him to get off of the couch you both gave up seeing that he didn't want to go anywhere.


It's been a few weeks now and from what you could notice your short-tempered friend had been extra mad and annoyed with you.

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