𝟐𝐩 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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As if attending college wasn't enough, to bring more luggage upon your shoulders you had to be present at a party filled with individuals whom you weren't keen on meeting. However, forced to attend by one of your friends, since you were always so ''up-tight'' and ''antisocial'', they believed that this will give you an opportunity to open up to more people and expand your social group.

From the very beginning, you had established that you didn't wish to partake part in this party idea, you would much rather stay at home finish your homework, and laze around binge-watching your favourite shows, but no, here you were stuck in the corner of a sorority house packed with drunk college students. How great.

Stirring your drink you glanced at one of your friends who is currently laughing along while playing ping pong with a group of other students, they completely forgot about you. Maybe it is time to seek out a new group of people if this continued on. Who are you kidding, it's not like it's easy.

Suddenly someone swung their arm around you, you flinched staring wide-eyed at the person calming down after realizing it's your closest and only real friend F/n.

''Man, this party is a bummer'' They sighed and stole the drink you were holding taking a sip from it.

You chuckled at their behavior, ever since you met them they always kept this playful attitude so, unlike your other friends, they portrayed a genuine desire of keeping a close friendship with you, which you appreciated.

''Sure is'' You agreed to slip glimpses here and there at the people enjoying the party.

''Wanna ditch it? I can't stand the smell of alcohol'' They scrunched their nose in disgust, this piqued your interest.

''Then why are you here?'' You inquired in curiosity.

''Oh, you know because of the hotties here!'' They laughed in an attempt to lift your mood, it did slightly.

''Anyway, I wa-'' They got cut off by someone calling them, they gave you an apologetic look and apologized for leaving you assuring you they'll be back before you know it.

You sighed and glanced at your phone and decided to scroll through social media until it was time to leave. Although, your plan to ignore the noise of the party is ruined by a random boy suddenly taking your phone from your grasp.

Shocked you stared cautiously seeing as they were actually plenty drunk. They placed it in their pocket giving you a sloppy smile slowly approaching you and cornering you, hands placed in a kabedon position.

Your anxiety peeked through the roof, you were sweating trying to figure out a way to leave safely without alerting anyone nearby since it will only tarnish your reputation. Even if you did manage to escape you have to carefully get your phone back.

However, completing any of these tasks would be hard if the person kept leaning in their breath right on top of your nose, they reeked of alcohol.

Suddenly, your harasser was pushed off of you by someone gripping their arm tightly, because of the quick motion you closed your eyes. Your savior on the other hand tried their best not to break the guy's arm, their narrowed glare on the verge of killing this person.

James couldn't stand bastards like him, who think they've got a chance at scoring with someone just because they gained the courage through the use of alcoholic beverages. It simply didn't sit well with him to watch while all of this was happening right next to him.

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