𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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The whole city was blunt, the wild streets if America were now deemed in salience none to be heard.

The clouds weren't the bright white colour anymore, they were a lot darker than before almost like it was about to rain. In some places in New York groans could be heard, the lights that would always shine were now all turned off except for some that were still lit.

Gun in hand, you were ready to get back to the save zone that you had created with three people.

Searching through the many shelves you hadn't found anything useful.

How can there be no food?

You were getting irritated by each second, it just had to happen, right?

You didn't know if your family was okay, if your friends were still alive, no, nothing, you knew nothing!

Head turning around to find one of your best friends, Alfred F. Jones he was grinning like an idiot.

"What?" He was right behind you and wouldn't stop grinning while looking at you.

You cocked your eyebrows in confusion.

"Can you guess?" His eyes boring into your's.

"You found something?" You asked.

"Aww you ruined the surprise, dudette" he looked down and showed you the can of soup and a big bottle of water.

You gasped " Alfred, I can't believe it, you found a can of soup and water!" Gun still in hand you gave him a tight hug.

He put his arms around you affectionately and blushed at the action, you would rarely hug him after the apocalypse.

Alfred was your closest buddy, he would be there for you whenever you needed him, he was your everything you couldn't live without him.

"Aha, well you could say that I am the hero!"

A soft giggled was heard from you still being in his arms.

He smelled so nice even after this whole thing, he still was the same old Alfred the obnoxiously cheerful, Alfred.

After a few seconds you both parted apart.

He still had that grin on his face and lifted you from the ground his hands gripping your waist.

"A-Alfred, what are you doing?!" You whispered to him trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Well, since I'm the hero I gotta to have a girl to save, right?" He was holding you bridal style now.

Oh, how you wished he could save you from the hell hole you both had to live in.


If am lucky


"There you two are" the bushy eyebrowed man voiced.

"Hello, to you too Arthur"

He sighed "Hello, love".

Now in the save zone with Arthur, Francis and Ivan AND Alfred you all greeted each other.

"Mon amour, we've decided to look for survivors" the French man grabbed your waist.

You were looking at him while he was speaking.

Alfred on the other hand couldn't see you with him, he wanted to have you by his side that 'his', Alfred had in mind that even if anything were to happen he would be with you.

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