𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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The beautiful ocean waters were hitting your ship's keel over and over again.

Being the captain that had the honour of going to a newly discovered nation, were now standing on the bowsprit of the wooded ship looking upon the sea searching for some land that you could step your boot on.

Your boss send you there for he wanted you to gather some resources to bring back to England.

America had been now become a place where people could live their lives.

The feather white clouds were something to admire on your journey.



Somewhere in said nation lived a young boy almost your age actually.

His clothes were rather bizzare but that's how his people dressed like.

Anyways, that boy was looking at every being that had inhabited some parts of the place he called home.

Some weird designs could be seen on his pale face that varied with a light blue tone and white dots.

The one he called his father had died so he was the one to rule over the tribe.

Still, at a young age he knew sooner or later that more of these foreigners would invade his homeland so he had stay wary of them.

Thought, could you blame him for being a little curious?

He went to a nearby mountain without knowing what he would see.


His curious nature had kicked in and some would even mistake it for a childish act.

What seemed to him were that the clouds were moving towards him and instead of having that white colour they had a simple almost dirty yellow-ish.

His father would have been disappointed in him but he wasn't here now, so that meant he could be at least himself away from his responsibilities.

Running to get a closer look and at the same time being careful of not falling of the edge of the mountain.

He came to the conclusion these weren't clouds.

No, these what seemed like clouds were actually a part of a ship.

Wait a ship?

He saw a girl that had the brightest smile ever and really sparkly eyes looking at the docks with a hand covering her face from the sun.

Her hair swaying in the wind made her look hypnotizing.

He had to get a closer look at her.


You were now at the docks making sure to not overlook any of the details that was put into it.

It was like the regular docks that you could find in England but you werent home you were somewhere else.

One of your crew members read out loud to you what your boss was looking for.

He wanted lots of wood some of the newer fruits and a head of whatever creature was in the impenetrable forests.

You had wanted to explore it anyways as long as it didn't have rain.

That you did, you went out there with three of you crew members and searched everywhere for an animal that would interest your boss.

On the other hand the male that had been astonished by you had tried to spot you for he heard very well what that brunette had said.

With his spear and that feathered headwear of his, he went to the direction that you might be in.

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