𝟐𝐩 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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 A new prosperous pastry shop opened a few months ago in the vicinity of your neighborhood.

Supposedly it gain such a sudden a high reputation on account of the unique ingredients used to prepare the peculiar cupcakes which became all the rage among young adults. It is said that if you take a single bite you'll be paying for more.

One day you contemplated whether you should visit it or not, not particularly a fan of sweets you definitely hesitated at first, however, your friends dragged you with them once they heard of it.

Upon entering you were hit with the aroma of excessive saccharine, as well as, with bright blue eyes staring straight at you.

At that moment your entire body froze on the spot, you couldn't comprehend the unfamiliar changes occurring after getting yourself absorbed by the male's beautiful eyes.

Your heartbeat quickened its pace and blood flowed all the way to your cheeks. In under literal seconds, you managed to get enamored by this stranger.

This, however, is in fact not the first time you've seen him before, the owner of this shop, Oliver Kirkland.

You had previously spotted him on numerous occasions roaming around the neighborhood or taking a stroll in the park.

He had piqued your interest from the very moment, whenever your eyes landed on his figure you would almost always be lost in some kind of trance, observe him whenever the chance is presented.

Despite this, you never once indulged in a conversation too nervous to approach him much so than to walk up to him just like this very instance.

One of your friends noticed your odd behavior and giggled at your reaction.

Returning back to reality, the man came up to you his eyes strained on you, his lips forming a bright smile reaching his ears.

His cheeks were ever so slightly flushed hiding his adorable freckles. Extending his hand eyes still focused solely on your person never once breaking eye contact.

Taking a deep breath you brought your sweaty hand and shook his, your eyes widened by his strong grip.

Who would have thought that a short man such as himself who also seemed to be more on the lean side of the spectrum had a strong hand?

He let go of your hand and proceeded to greet your friends, on the other hand, you found yourself in your own little world of fantasy staring intensely at the hand which shook his.

Eventually, you all purchased your desserts and sat down to eat. Unfortunately, you couldn't keep away from thinking about him.

At one point you entirely zoned out of the conversation so you can focus on your thoughts, already you imagined what your guy's wedding would look like, how you would grow older with four children.

You just couldn't help yourself, besides this is nothing but a mere crush undoubtedly it won't escalate to anything but that.

After you all left you made up your mind to frequently visit the pastry shop, although it caused your stomach to hurt due to the consumption of sweets.

That's when you found yourself daily daydreaming about Oliver Kirkland, your mind solely on him constantly.

You hid this from your friends, no one needed to know how you would stalk him at night whenever he closed the shop down or how you kept pictures of him in your found.

In the end, this fascination will be gone, it's a small crush after all.

It was one of those days where you came in, a bright smile complementing your features as you ordered, and then sat down in one of the seats which gave out the best crystal clear view of Oliver's face.

Meanwhile, you were totally unaware of how said man smirked behind the counter staring at the cupcake in his hand he prepared especially for you, his secret admirer.

Stalking over to you he placed the plate down gently, placed his hands behind his back, and cocked his head to the side in a cute manner.

Immediately, you were alerted of his presence attempting to get sucked by the chair so you can disappear as far as possible from his piercing eyes.

''You're one of the few costumer's who frequently visits, so for being a loyal customer I have decided you taste a new invention of mine!'' He explained cheerfully.

Your heart skipped a beat, he thinks your special enough to entrust you with your opinion on a new recipe, and can this day get any better?

''Of course, thanking you for trusting me with this even though I don't believe I'm the best candidate for this job'' You scratched your cheek nervously.

Oliver shook his head disapprovingly ''Nonsense!" then he picked the cupcake and brought it closer to your mouth.

Gulping you opened your mouth and Oliver gently inserted it in your mouth to take a bite, while doing so you were too focused in the moment to notice his smirk and bright glowing eyes.

After taking a bite off the cupcake Oliver smiled and left.

You didn't find it in the very least strange how despite the countless times you have come he never once directly spoke to you, only cherishing the fact that he did.

You didn't even question how awful your stomach felt or how you felt sleepy after swallowing the pastry, not even when your eyes felt heavy.

Opening your eyes you couldn't get a hold of the situation due to the growing headache emerging out of the blue when you awoke.

Suddenly you heard footsteps approach you, the heels clicking with every step.

''Rise and shine, poppet!'' The person spoke in a singing voice.

Lifting your head your eyes were met with bright blue once, the same once you fell in love with.

At last, when the headache subdued you were able to take into account your current surroundings, you were in a basement, a prominent smell of iron entered your nostrils it strangely reminded you of blood.

''W-where...?'' You spoke hoarsely.

''Why you're currently in my workshop! This is where all the magic happens and since you're my loyal customer and talker I thought why not bring you here!'' He giggled.

He held your chin firmly forcing you to gaze at his eyes.

''Since you're so devoted to stalking me how about I make take part in the preparations of my cupcakes, wouldn't you like that, poppet?'' He roughly brought your face closer to his now annoyed.

Your face filled with tears that streamed down when the realization finally hit you, you'll die in the hand of this psycho and there's nothing you can do about it, you brought this upon yourself. His lips ever so slightly touched yours in a form of a kiss.

''I'll make sure your body doesn't go to waste, goodnight poppet'' 



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