𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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A few months had passed ever since your break up, yet Alfred couldn't get you out of his mind. All those cheerful moments were still fresh yet felt bitter when he reminded himself of the reason why you broke up in the first place.

He should've seen the signs sooner, they were so evident, yet he still decided to remain ignorant. He blamed himself for everything, he couldn't be enough. He was always told how obnoxious his extroverted personality is, though he kept a fake façade of being unbothered by the comments thrown his way. He should've believed them, it's probably you left because of his being eccentric, yes that must the reason.

His chest ached every single time he thought about you. Your sweet smile, the both of you cuddled on the couch talking instead of watching the movie you were meant to watch. The you in his memories differed vastly from the you when you merely left.

He clenched his head still sobbing in the bedroom you once used to share, your scent still very prominent he snuggled closer to your pillow.

Every once in a while, he'd receive texts from his friends concerned for his well-being, unfortunately, he muted them. Why concern them with your problems when they had their own issues to amend to?

The signs were so subtle.

It all began when you'd start distancing yourself whenever Alfred would touch you, before you would melt in his touch already in his embrace, however, you started becoming visibly uncomfortable with it. It piqued Alfred's interest, so he would often ask you why you flinched or hesitated to approach him or even allow him any contact and what did you do? Lie, say ''oh I'm not feeling alright, please understand'' and kiss him on the cheek, even that made you uncomfortable.

Often this would hurt Alfred, his thoughts were going haywire, and he ultimately started paying attention to ways to accommodate your discomfort. Imagine how he felt when you turned your back to him in bed pushing his hands off which he snaked around your waist.

Later, out of the blue, you would comment on the tiniest mistakes he made-or rather than what you thought were mistakes. Examples being, acting childish, being ''improper'', or always gaslighting him for unnecessary things.

Then you would go out whenever you wanted without telling him or text on the phone blocking it from his view, which was something you never did. You would always be comfortable with him looking at your phone screen, now you made sure to hide it whenever he'd get too close.

These things broke him, he didn't confide in anyone about his struggles, of the insecurities that emerged from the way you acted.

Let's not mention how in public you kept to yourself not permitting Alfred to hold your hand or display PDA, something which you adored in the past since it brought butterflies to your stomach by seeing Alfred be so affectionate with you, you felt special.

At some point, he thought that perhaps there was the possibility that you were cheating on him, however, he immediately scrapped this concept. How could you do something this cruel to him when he opened his heart when he poured all his struggles into you, this simply couldn't be the cause of your dismissal.

So, in order to learn what has been happening, he had you both sit down and discuss this. His eyes held desperation when inquiring you on what has been on your mind to make you act upon this way. Unsurprising of you, you told him that everything is alright, that he shouldn't worry about anything, you were just weren't feeling well recently, that you were falling out with a friend.

Oh, how he wished to believe you, but the look in your eyes told him otherwise. He blamed himself every day for not being good enough.

Alfred's hand shook rapidly, reading through the texts in a frenzy he scanned through every conversation, eyes clouded with tears threatening to fall, head-spinning he brushed a hand through his blond hair gripping tightly on the locks, his breath unhinged.

You had left a few minutes ago outside to apparently hang out with a ''friend'', one thing you forgot was your phone on the bed. This, however, was the golden opportunity that Alfred had long-awaited. He didn't wish to snoop around your phone believing he had enough trust in you, well all the trust he previously held for you went out the drain when he found out the person you had been texting.

You were texting none other than Yao Wang, a dear friend of his- or was now his nothing more than someone he wished could perish from the face of the earth and never come back.

''Alfred, have you seen my-'' You asked a hand over the slightly open door to your bedroom ''My phone...'' Your eyes widened.

Quickly snatching the phone away from him you realized he came across those messages, the exact ones you were hiding for so many months. Alfred stared at the ground until he slowly lifted his head revealing his tear-stained eyes with snot coming out of his nose, his eyes begging you for some kind of explanation.

''Alfr-'' You started but he cut you to it. ''Why...?'' You visibly ignored looking at him.

''Why...why would you do this...? I thought you were happy, I even prepared to propose to you...'' He confessed.

It's true prior to finding out about all this mess, Alfred thought that maybe just maybe by profoundly confessing his undying love for you through proposing it will somehow improve your attitude towards him. He remembered you told him how all your friends were getting married and that you wish to do the same with him.

Your head snapped in his direction, mouth agape you stared at his dull blue eyes. ''Alfred...I-I have to go'' and with that, you left, you just couldn't handle this anymore it was suffocating you.

''Tell me why do this?! I-I thought that we were okay and with my friend of all people...!'' Alfred raised his voice in despair.

You ignored him, slowly leaving the room without any explanation, Alfred attempted to stop you but you shoved him away on the way out from the door you yelled ''I'm sorry Alfred''

That was the last straw, all the confirmation he needed.

After so many months he attempted to contact you, however, you had changed your number. Alfred even went out to seek his ''friend'' who had betrayed him, but Yao also cut all contacts with him, he never understood the reason behind your actions and it seems he never will.

The first person who he'd opened up to, the first person which made him feel strange feelings he had never felt beforehand, the person he confessed, who made him feel special without the need to prove he is the best.

If only he knew the reason why you did what you did he would have understood and forgiven you, yet all he had was himself to blame for something he never knew the full picture to all because of your negligence to tell him why.


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