𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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That haunting night still remaining in your memory, nothing you could do but hope for it to stop.

The wicked demon with those ocean blue piercing eyes boring into your (e/n) eyes.

It all happened when you and your friends played that one game that could supposedly give you access into the demon realm.

They weren't playing around when giving the instructions on how to play it properly just in case some spirit decides to make his new home your house.

But, instead of being possessed by a ghost or any supernatural being, you got yourself not possessed but trapped in darkness where 'he' forces you to do anything that he wishes for.

Those eyes, that dark themed suiting.

It all happened...


"Ha, dude this will be like super totally cool!"

Said the one and only infamous hero Alfred, one of your best friends.

Next to him was a sceptical Brit that was unsure whether you should do this or not and knowing Alfred he had to stay close in case of something going out of hand.

You on the other hand were acting all brave because you were a realist at times a specially for such things as occult powers.

But, for the sake of you best friend being himself you had to do it in a...... abounded house in the middle of the woods.

You were for sure that a serial killer was going to jumpscare off and then kill you.

With a sigh you spoke " Alfred, are you sure that we should be doing this at 3 a.m?" You raised your eyebrow.


He sat down near the dusty and old almost broken coffee table, next to him was of course Arthur, Ivan, Kiku and Matthias.

Why did they all tag along? Well you weren't quiet sure yourself.

"Okay so how do we start this!?" Asked the loud Dane.

"It's very simpre actuarry you arr have to put one or two fingers on the triangre and then ask a question" Kiku spoke with a slow tone.

You all placed one finger on the board and you were one hundred percent sure that Matthias was going to move the little triangle.

"Okay, okay what do we ask first?!" Alfred bounced up and down.

"How about we first make sure that there is someone in the room?" Questioned the bushie browed man.

"Is there any spirits in the room with us?" Toned Kiku's voice.

It didn't move, everybody tried and the two hyperactive male's patience was wearing off.

It was your turn and so you asked the now question that has been repeated far too many times.

"Is there any spirits in here with us?"

It slowly slided to the answer it wanted to give, yes.

A defining scream came out of the guy that wanted to do this in the first place.

Arthur's emerald green eyes were open for a split second before going back to normal and trying to calm down the American.

After some time of playing with Alfred screaming every now and then you managed to ask the 'thing' or more like guy multiple questions which most you were the one to ask.

"Hey you spirit thingie do you think that I am hero!?"

Everybody looked at the American as if he was stupid and of course the thing chose, no.

"Fine, do you have a name then?" He leaned in awaiting for an answer.

Arthur seemed to be acting awfully strange right after he made his request.

A. L. F. R. E. D.

"Woah, cool that's mine name too!"

A thud made you all look around the dark room frantically searching for the source of it.

Everybody went dead quiet.

More and more noises came from the first floor which mind you that's where you are.

Closer and closer creeping up on and on until something almost fell on top of Ivan, he of course dodged it gracefully before actually being hit by a really strong object that made blood drain form his head.

This is insane! You thought.

The Brit then quickly spat that every body should go behind him, you already knew that he was a magic user? Yeah, or even better a nutter.

You all did as you were told and then a mystic blue shield covered you all.

"What is going on here?!" You yelled.

"Bloody hell, Alfred you tosspot next time after we get out of this shambles I will prohibit you from using such powerful objects!"

"Arthur, English do you speak it?!" You again yelled.

You didn't know what happened next because everything seemed to stop as if time it's self stopped.

No one was moving a muscle and in front of you was the so called spirit, wearing all black with demon wings and those eyes, looking oh so very wicked with that smirk that accompanied them.

"What's up, dolly?"

He was in Alfred's place and from what you presumed he was Alfred too, having the exact same features as him with that name and New York accent.

"Who are you..?"

"You don't remember me?" His husky voice changed to the bubble American you knew.

"I am Alfred, dude! Hey wanna play video games or watch scary horror films!?" He did an exact impersonation of the obnoxious American.

"What...it..can't be...Alfred F. Jones?" You were hasty about this.

"Yup, the one and only except you little doll fell into my trap of capturing you" he chuckled.

"Honestly it was a lot easier than I had imagined, you all agreed on coming here with me playing this game, oops I meant coming here with 'Alfred'" he laughed like a evil villain.

Something wet streamed down your soft cheeks, tears.

You were crying, how could a demon, a being that doesn't exist manage to fool you and Arthur, after all he was an expert at this demonalogy.

Before you know it he kissed you making everything go black and his voice echoing.

"You will watch everybody you love suffer because of your mistake"


Hello, so as you can see I posted how fortunate, right?!

Anyways, before my exams I would love after a two days long of studying math, science, history, to upload a chapter.

By the way guys!

Thank you for reaching so many reads I am so happy!

Thank you!! 😘😶

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